and six-pence, which had been advanced to him for the purpose of paying
company, and for which, on a settlement, he was compelled to account; |
Bond rendered
void, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the bond so passed
by the said Belain Posey, be hereby rendered void and of no effect, that
the same
be delivered to him, or his order, by the person having the custody of
the same,
and that all the right, title and interest, of the state of Maryland, in
and to the
said one hundred and ten acres of land, part of the tract called Crane's
which the state can claim as aforesaid, be hereby vested in and transferred
To the said Belain Posey, his heirs and assigns, he the said Belain Posey
paying all costs and charges (if any) arising on the sale and composition
for the
said property with the state agent. |
Passed May
24. |
An ACT extending the time for making returns of certain certificates
and plots. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by an act passed November session, seventeen
hundred and
eighty-five, entitled, An act ascertaining the mode of granting titles
to the purchasers of certain confiscated property, it is enacted, that
any certificates and plots of survey, which shall or may be returned to
the register
of the land-office for the western shore on or before the first day of
January, in the
year seventeen hundred and eigty-seven, by any person who has been appointed
by the intendant to survey any of the aforesaid lands, shall be received
by the examiner-general,
and be of the same validity as if they had been executed and returned
by the surveyor of the county: And whereas by an act passed November
session, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, entitled, An act respecting
certain certificates
and plots, it is enacted, that any certificates and plots of survey which
shall or may be returned to the register of the land-office on or before
the fifteenth
day of April next, shall be received by the examiner-general, and be of
the same
validity as if they had been executed and returned agreeably to the time
in the act above in part recited: And whereas it appears that several
of the
certificates and plots have not been returned agreeably to the last act
above in part
recited; |
may be received,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That any certificates
and plots which shall or may be returned to the register of the land-office
for the
western shore on or before the twenty-fifth day of December next, shall
be received
by the examiner-general, and be of the same validity as if they had
executed and returned agreeably to the time mentioned in the last act above
in part
recited. |
Passed May
18. |
An ACT to enable the judges of the court of appeals, and the
judges of the general court, to continue certain
causes therein
mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS several gentlemen having business in the
said courts are
obliged to attend the general assembly as members thereof, and sundry
causes in the said courts are ready for trial, and cannot by law be
continued beyond the present May term, |
Judges of
court of appeals, |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the judges of the
court of appeals shall have full power and authority to continue all
such causes
depending in the said court until the first Tuesday in October next. |
And judges
of general
court, may
causes. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the judges of the general court may, in their
discretion, continue all causes now depending in the general court of the
shore to the second Tuesday of October next. |