and pay the whole duties by him received, it shall and may be lawful
for the said
commissioners, on motion made to Baltimore county court, to demand judgment
against such collector for all tolls wherewith he shall be chargeable by
this act;
and such court shall give judgment and award execution thereupon against
collector and his securities, provided they have ten days previous notice. |
XX. And be it
enacted, That the money arising from the said tolls last mentioned,
shall be applied by the said commissioners of review towards defraying
the expences of clearing and making the said roads; and the said tolls
shall cease
in part, or the whole, at such time and times as the said commissioners
determine. |
How the money
from tolls is
to be applied,
&c. |
XXI. And be
it enacted, That the commissioners appointed to survey and
make the roads aforesaid, shall first make the road to Reister's-town,
and then the
road towards York the distance of eighteen miles, and then the road towards
Frederick-town as far as the line of the county, and then alternately the
distance of the road from Reister's-town, and the residue of the road towards
York-town. |
Road to Reister's-town
be first made,
&c. |
XXII. And,
as a further fund to enable the said commissioners to make the
said roads, Be it enacted, That the
sum of two shillings and six-pence current
money, shall be and hereby is laid and imposed for every hundred pounds
of property within Baltimore county, and in the same proportion for every
or less sum, and the said tax shall be paid and collected with the county
tax, and
in the same manner, and the collector shall pay the amount of the said
tax by
him collected to such person as the commissioners of review shall appoint
to receive
the same, who shall, from time to time, pay the same to their order, and
the said tax shall commence in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-eight,
continue until the said roads shall be made and complete in the manner
by this act; and the said commissioners may, on the credit of the said
borrow, on interest, not exceeding six per cent. any sum of money
they may
think proper and necessary to make and complete the said roads; and the
commissioners shall, from time to time, at least twice in every year, publish
the Baltimore news-papers an account of the money by them received and
in virtue of this act. |
Two shillings
and six-pence
to be imposed,
&c. |
XXIII. And be
it enacted, That if any commissioner appointed to survey and
make the said road shall die or refuse to act, the said commissioners of
may fill up such vacancy; and if any commissioner of review shall die or
to act, the commissioners of the tax for Baltimore county may fill up such
vacancy. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
XXIV. And be
it enacted, That the commissioners appointed to survey and make
the said roads, shall in all things consult and advise with the said commissioners
of review, and all their proceedings shall be subject to their direction
and control. |
to consult,
&c. |
XXV. And be
it enacted, That any toll to be collected on any of the roads
aforesaid, shall belong to Baltimore county, and shall be collected and
applied to
the use of the said county for ever, the said county maintaining and repairing
said roads in the order and condition directed and required by this act. |
Tolls shall
belong to
county, &c. |
XXVI. And be
it enacted, That any waggon, cart or other carriage, loaden
or unloaden, having the felloes of the wheels thereof of nine inches from
to side at the least, (the sole or bottom of such felloes to be as flat
and even from
side to side as may be) may pass any turnpike gate without paying any toll
the space of three year, to be computed from the time the said commissioners
of review shall declare such road to be completed, and such carriages shall
pay one half the tolls for three years thereafter. |
Certain carriages
to pass
toll free, &c. |
XXVII. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall drive any riding carriage
or waggon, cart, or other carriage of burthen, road any turnpike with intention |
Penalty on
evading, &c. |
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