to the purposes, and in the manner directed as to the money to be assessed
as aforesaid. |
XII. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to open and establish a
public road in Dorchester county. |
Passed May
15. |
WHEREAS an act of assembly passed at November session,
hundred and eighty-three, empowering Michael Hall Bonwill, of
Dorchester county, to open a road from the main road that leads
from New-Market to the town of Vienna to his mill, and from his mill to
main road that leads from Cambridge to the town of Vienna: And whereas
Joseph Richardson, Willis Newton and James Steele, were appointed commissioners
for the purpose of laying out said road, and to ascertain the damages done
any person or persons by the said road passing through their lands, and
the aforesaid
Joseph Richardson and Willis Newton died before the road aforesaid was
out; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That John Goslen
and Edward Thompson are hereby appointed commissioners in the place of
Joseph Richardson and Willis Newton, and shall have the same powers
to act in
the business aforesaid as the aforesaid Joseph Richardson and Willis Newton
vested with under the original act. |
&c. |
An ACT to empower William Berry Warman, a minor, administrator
with the will annexed, and residuary legatee, of William
Berry, deceased, to sell the lands therein mentioned,
to apply the money arising therefrom. |
Passed May
15. |
WHEREAS William Berry Warman, a minor, administrator
with the
will annexed, and residuary legatee, of William Berry, late of Prince-George's
county, deceased, by his petition to this general assembly,
hath set forth, that he is seized of three tracts or parcels of land, lying
in Prince-George's
county aforesaid, to wit, Berry's Enclosure, containing three hundred
and forty-seven acres, Oxen Hill, containing seventy acres, and Holly Spring,
containing fifty acres, devised to him by the said William Berry, which
not being settled, are rather a burthen to him; that the estate of
the said William
Berry is much involved by reason of debts and legacies, which the personal
estate is scarcely sufficient to discharge, and prayed that an act may
pass to enable
him to sell and convey the aforesaid lands, and the money arising therefrom
to apply towards the payment of the debts and legacies aforesaid, so that
he may
be able to save some part of the personal estate for his own use; which
thought reasonable, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said William
Berry Warman be, and he is hereby empowered and enabled, to sell and dispose
of the aforesaid lands, lying in Prince-George's county aforesaid, to wit,
Berry's Enclosure, Oxen Hill and Holly Spring, which were devised to him
the said William Berry, and the same, when sold, to make over and convey
the purchaser or purchasers in fee-simple, by good and sufficient deed
or deeds
in law; and the money arising from such sale to apply and appropriate
to the
payment and discharge of the just debts due from the estate of the said
Berry, and the pecuniary legacies by his last will and testament bequeathed;
nevertheless, that the said William Berry Warman, before such sale as
aforesaid, enter into bond with such security as shall be approved by the
court of Prince-George's county, with a condition to apply and appropriate
much of the money arising from such sale as may be necessary to pay and
the just debts due from the estate of the said William Berry, and the pecuniary
legacies by his last will and testament bequeathed. |
W. B. Warman
to sell
lands, &c. |