LI. |
prescribed by the several laws under which they were appointed, provided
the said
collectors shall make it appear to the treasurers of their respective shores,
the monies to be collected is due and owing from the citizens of this state,
their several deputy collectors, and that the said collectors have not
directly or
indirectly received the same, or omitted to make payment after receipt
and provided they shall pay into the treasuries of their respective shores
all the
money and certificates that they have received on account of the said taxes
on or
before the first day of March next. |
And empowered
to collect
by distress,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the collectors aforesaid shall have the same
power and authority to collect the balances due them by distress and sale
they had the years the said balances became due, any law to the contrary
notwithstanding. |
No interest to
be charged. |
V. And be it
enacted, That no interest shall be charged to or taken from the
people by any collector for the said arrearages of taxes. |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT for the more effectual relief of the securities of public
debtors. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS several securities of debtors to the public
have alleged,
that they are not well able to give bond with security, so as to avail
themselves of execution allowed by law against their principals, who
have had the public indulgence to pay their debts till the year seventeen
and ninety, on their bonds passed before the consolidating act, and made
a part
of the consolidated fund; that their principals apparently grow less able
to pay
their said debts, and suffer their securities to be executed for the interest,
or remain
liable to execution for principal and interest; to prevent therefore the
or well grounded uneasiness of securities, |
Debtors to
give new
bonds on notice
in writing,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That in case any security,
on the bond of any public debtor passed before the time of making the
said act, and which is thereby made a part of the said fund, shall give
notice in
writing to the principal debtor, that he desires or requires him to give
new security
for the debt and interest, or what thereof is due, such debtor shall, within
six weeks thereafter, give a new bond to this state, with two good securities,
the payment of the debt and interest, or what thereof is due, which securities
shall be approved of by the treasurer; and, to enable him to judge the
better of
their sufficiency, he may require a certificate of the assessment of their
and may examine them on oath, to be administered by him, touching their
and the treasurer is directed not to accept the new securities, unless
shall be satisfied they are ample and sufficient; and on the treasurer
approving the
said new bond and security, he shall endorse the same, that it is given
in lieu of
the first, and the same shall be subject to every intent and purpose to
the same
mode of recovery as the first was, which shall then be cancelled; but if
the original
debtor shall refuse to give such new security as aforesaid, or shall delay
do the same within the said six weeks, then shall the treasurer, on
the request of
the security, and on a copy of the said notice being lodged with him, with
affidavit endorsed thereon of the due service thereof, order an execution
the principal, on which shall be made the whole debt and interest due with
costs. |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT to provide a remedy for creditors and others against this
state. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS individuals may have claims against this
state for money,
which they cannot settle and adjust with the auditor-general, and it is
reasonable that some mode should be adopted to afford such individuals
an opportunity of trying the justice of their claims at law; |