XIV. |
all things required of him or them by this act, during the term aforesaid;
which bond any person may sue for any breach thereof. |
Carriages to
travel great
public road,
&c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the said stage-carriages shall travel or
pass and repass on the great public road as the same is now established,
or shall hereafter be established by law, from the river Susquehanna, passing
through Baltimore-town, to George-town, or the ferry opposite
Alexandria on the river Patowmack, as the general assembly may direct. |
On neglect of
duty this act
to be void,
&c |
X. And be it
enacted, That if the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his
executors, administrators or assigns, shall refuse or wilfully neglect
to perform
any of the duties required of him or them by this act, according to
the true intent and meaning thereof, to the prejudice and damage of the
state, that in such cas this act shall be void, and the exclusive privilege
and right granted by this act shall cease and determine, and scire facias
may issue out of the general court against the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn,
his executors, administrators or assigns, suggesting the cause why this
grant should cease and determine; and if the facts suggested shall be
found to be true by a jury, (or the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his
administrators or assigns, being duly summoned, shall refuse to
appear or to plead,) the court may give judgment, and thereupon this
grant shall cease and determine. |
An ACT for the relief of the poor in Talbot county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the necessity, number, and continual increase,
the poor within said county, is very great and burthensome,
which might be greatly lessened by a due regulation and employment
of them; therefore, |
to be erected,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That there
shall be an alms and work-house erected and built in Talbot county, at
convenient place therein, at the general charge and expence of the said
county; and that the justices of the said county for the time being shall,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to assess and levy, in equal
proportion on the property within the said county liable to assessment,
the time of laying the county rate, the sum of four hundred pounds current
money in each of the years seventeen hundred and eighty-six, seventeen
hundred and eighty-seven, and seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, together
with the collector's commission of four per centum thereon for
collecting the same; which said rate or assessment so as aforesaid to be
laid and levied, shall be collected by the collector of the said county,
the same manner, and at the same time, as the county rate is collected;
and the said money when so as aforesaid collected, shall be paid by the
said collector to such trustees for the poor, or the major part of them,
are by this act appointed, who are hereby authorised and required to receive
and apply the same to the uses and purposes herein after directed. |
Trustees appointed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That for the time being the several persons
hereafter named by, and are hereby appointed, trustees of the poor within
the said county, and are empowered, with full and sufficient authority,
to discharge the several offices, duties and trusts reposed in and required
of them by this act, that is to say, William Hayward, James Benson,
Thomas Sherwood, Peregrine TIlghman, and William Goldsborough,
Esquires; the which persons, or the major part of them, in case of the
death or absence of any, are hereby required, with all convenient speed,
to meet at such place within their county as to them shall seem meet, to |