believe, that the admeasurement of the lots in said town was inaccurate
in the
first instance; that from the old stakes, set up as boundaries of said
lots, being
lost, and from the variation of the compass, many disputes have already
and more might probably arise; and prayed that an act might pass, appointing
commissioners for said town, with power to direct the levelling, sloping
amending, the streets in said town, with such drains as they may think
and also to regulate and direct the posting of footways on the sides of
the streets,
the breadth of the porches, steps to the houses, the paving of those footways,
and placing new buildings on the streets; and also empowering the said
to adjust, fix and settle, the lines and boundaries of the several lots
parts of lots, held in said town; which this general assembly have thought
to grant: |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That Jacob Young,
Jacob Miller, Michael Allix, John McPherson, John Shellman, Conrad Doll
and John Hoffman, or a majority of them, be, and hey are hereby appointed,
commissioners of Frederick-town; and that on refusal, death, removal or
of any of the said commissioners, the major part of the remaining commissioners
shall appoint another to serve in the stead of such commissioner so refusing,
dying, removing or resigning; but before any person appointed or to be
appointed a commissioner shall act as such, he shall take an oath or affirmation
before some justice of the peace, that he will well and faithfully execute
his duty
of commissioner of Frederick-town, according to the directions of this
without partiality or prejudice, to the best of his skill. |
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners are hereby constituted
and made a body corporate, by the name of The Commissioners of Frederick-town,
with all the privileges of a body corporate, and to have a common seal
and perpetual succession. |
And incorporated. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
as soon as may be, and from time to time, as often as occasion may require,
shall meet and consult together respecting the duties reposed in them by
this act,
and shall appoint a clerk, who shall take an oath, that he will faithfully
and impartially
execute his said office; and it shall be the duty of the said clerk to
into a book, to be kept for that purpose, all the proceedings of the said
commissioners relating to the said town; and the said commissioners are
directed and authorised to ascertain, fix, determine and bound, the different
lanes and alleys, in the said town, and also the lots and parts of lots,
held in severally
therein, which said determination shall be final, unless controverted by
suit at
law within five years after passing the said respectively; and the said
book shall
always be open to the inspection and examination of the said commissioners
inhabitants of Frederick-town, or any other person interested; and the
said commissioners
are hereby empowered to allow they clerk any sum not exceeding ten
pounds current money per year, for his trouble, six-pence for every search,
after the rate of four-pence for every side of one hundred and five
words, for entering
and copying, and may remove and displace their clerk at pleasure. |
to consult
together respecting
duties, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
are directed to meet as soon as may be, and determine on the best method
manner of levelling, sloping, lowering, raising, or otherwise rendering
the streets, so as to convey and carry off the waters collecting therein
the most natural and easy communication to the town creek, and to apply
monies that may come to their hands in stoning, causewaying or gravelling
so as to make the same dry, firm and convenient; and when the streets shall
so amended, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall order
and direct
a proper and due proportion thereof to be marked and divided off for footways
by posts, at such proper distances and heights as shall appear to them
and the said commissioners shall direct the footways so posted, to be
levelled in conformity with the streets, and paved with flat stone or brick,
such posting and paving shall be performed at the expence of the proprietors
of |
And levelling
the streets,
&c. |