admit, and are hereby empowered and directed to value and ascertain
the damages
which shall or may be occasioned by such road to the proprietor or proprietors
of such land through which the same shall be so extended, and upon
payment or tender of such damages by any person or persons to the proprietor
proprietors aforesaid, the said road shall be deemed a public road and
highway. |
XXX. |
III. And be
it enacted, That said road, so laid out, and damages ascertained
and satisfied as aforesaid, shall be opened and cleared forty feet wide;
and the
said commissioners are hereby empowered to call on the overseers of said
to open and clear the same, and that said road be considered as the main
from Elizabeth-town to Patowmack, at the mouth of Conococheague, and
under the direction of the court of Washington county. |
Road to be
opened, &c. |
An ACT to suspend the erecting of the public buildings in Caroline
county. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS a petition hath been preferred to this general
assembly by
many of the inhabitants of Caroline county, praying that the public
buildings of the said county may be erected at Choptank bridge; and
another petition of many other inhabitants of the same country hath
also been
preferred to this general assembly, praying that the said buildings
may be erected
at or near the center of said county; and both of the said petitions have
referred by the house of delegates to the next session of assembly: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the erecting of
the public buildings in Caroline county, shall be suspended till the end
of the
next session of assembly, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Erecting of
buildings suspended. |
An ACT to alter and amend the laws respecting Charles-town in
Cæcil county. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS the commissioners and other the inhabitants
of Charles-town,
in Cæcil county, have, by their petition to this general assembly,
set forth, that sundry alterations and additions to the laws concerning
the said town were necessary to be made: And whereas many parts of
the laws heretofore passed for the founding and further regulation of the
town, are found to be insufficient and improper; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the eleventh section
of an act, entitled, An act for laying out and erecting a town at a
place called
Long-point, on the west side of North-east river, in Cæcil county,
passed the
twenty-ninth day of October, seventeen hundred and forty-two, which
that persons taking up lots shall erect buildings on them within three
years, on
paid of forfeiting their titles to them; also the twenty-first section
of the said
act, which provides for the succession of the commissioners of said
town; also
part of the twenty-first section of an act, entitled, A supplementary act
to the
last above recited, passed the fourth day of June, seventeen hundred and
which fixes a day for the meeting of the commissioners for the purpose
filling up vacancies; also the twenty-second section of the said act, which
a time for the meeting of the commissioners for to view and perpetuate
the boundaries of the said town; also the fifth section of an act, entitled,
An additional
supplementary act first above recited, empowers the commissioners to
lease out the marsh appertaining to the said town, be and are hereby repealed. |
Part of several
acts repealed. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the present commissioners of the said town, and
their successors, be and are hereby constituted a corporate body by the
name and
description of The Commissioners of Charles-town; that the said commissioners
be enabled to sue and to be sued, and have a public seal, with such marks
and devices
as to them shall seem proper, for the purpose of attesting official papers. |