property, as by deed of trust to Messieurs Joseph Gilpin, Tobias Rudulph,
Henry Hollingsworth and Thomas Huggins, for the use and benefit of
the inhabitants
of Elk-town and Cæcil county, bearing date the first day of September,
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, will more fully appear,
which deed is hereby declared to be valid and good in law for the use
and purposes
therein mentioned, any defect in said deed to the contrary notwithstanding. |
XX. |
III. And,
whereas it may be too burthensome at this time to the inhabitants of
said county, to levy on them in one year a sum of money sufficient
to defray the
expence of building the court-house and prison on the lot aforesaid,
Be it enacted,
That the justices of Cæcil county shall, and are hereby authorised,
and required, to assess and levy, on the property and taxable inhabitants
of said
county, at the time of laying of the public levy, a sum of money not
twelve hundred pounds current money, that is to say, three hundred
yearly for four years, for the purpose of erecting the public buildings
which said assessments, so as aforesaid to be made and levied, shall
be collected by
the sheriff of said county in the same manner as other county charges
are by law
collected; and the said sum and sums of money, when so as aforesaid
shall be paid by such sheriff to the said commissioners, or the major
part of them,
or their order or orders, who are hereby authorised and required to
receive and
apply the same to the uses and purposes of building a court-house and
prison for
the said county on said lot, and other charges incident thereto, as
by this act is
directed. |
Justices to levy
money for
building a
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That after the building and finishing of the said court-house
to be built as aforesaid, Cæcil county court shall be held in
such new
court-house, according to the practice and usage of other county courts,
such new court-house and prison shall be used, taken, held and deemed,
to be
the proper court-house and prison of Cæcil county. |
When finished,
courts to
be held therein,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That from and after the tenth day of April next, until
the said new court-house shall be finished, the several courts, elections,
other public business directed b law to be held at the seat of justice
in Cæcil
county, shall be held in such place at the Head of Elk aforesaid, as
the justices
and judges of said courts and elections may think most convenient. |
After April,
courts to be
held at Head
of Elk, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the clerk of Cæcil county court, for the time
being, shall, at some convenient time before the tenth day of April
next, remove,
or cause to be removed from Charles-town, all the books, rolls, papers,
other records belonging to the said county court, to the Head of Elk
and there safely deposit, keep and preserve the same in some convenient
and the justices of the said court shall direct and cause a list of
all the said records
and books to be signed by the clerk of the said county, and entered
record among the proceedings of the said court. |
Clerk to remove
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the sheriff of Cæcil county for the time
may at any time at his pleasure remove all or any of his prisoners from
the gaol
at Charles-town to any gaol he may think fit at the Head of Elk aforesaid,
there, until the said new prison shall be finished, keep and detain them
to law, and at his own peril, but that the removal of them as aforesaid,
not be deemed any escape in law, whereon to charge the said sheriff. |
Sheriff to remove
&c. |
An ACT to suspend for a time the collection of the public assessment
imposed November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-five. |
Passed January
20. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all executions for
or on account of the public assessment, imposed November session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-five, be and are hereby suspended until the
first day of May, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven; and all the powers
and |
&c. |