XIV. And be it
enacted, That every inspector of salted provisions, who shall
be nominated as aforesaid, shall, on his appointment, and before his executing
the said office, make oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, before
a justice
of peace, that without fear, favour, affection, malice, partiality, or
of persons, he will diligently and carefully view, examine and inspect,
all salted
beef, pork or fish, brought to the said town of Baltimore, and which he
be called upon to view, examine and inspect, to the best of his skill and
and that no salted provisions shall be passed or branded by him, without
his viewing and examining the same; that he will not brand, or cause
to be
branded, any cask or casks of salted provisions that do not appear, to
the best of
his skill and knowledge, to be in all respects sufficiently clean, sweet
and merchantable;
and that he will pass and brand all such cask or casks of salted provisions
as shall appear to him sufficiently clean and, sweet and merchantable,
to the
best of his skill and knowledge, and according to the directions of this
act; and
that he will not wittingly or willingly charge, ask, take, receive, act
or demand,
any other fees or rates for doing his duty in his office as inspector of
salted provisions,
than is mentioned and directed by this act; and that he will carefully
diligently view and examine all casks in which such salted provisions shall
brought and contained; and that he will not pass or brand any cask or casks
salted provisions, unless such cask or casks be of such size, goodness
and thickness,
as by this act is required. |
Oath of inspector. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That no inspector of salted provisions shall purchase,
directly or indirectly, any salted beef, pork or fish, by him condemned
as aforesaid,
or any salted provisions whatsoever, other than for his own family use,
under the penalty of forty shillings current money for each barrel by him
purchased. |
Who shall not
purchase, &c. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall alter the mark stamped on
any barrel of salted provisions by any inspector, or shall mark or brand
any barrel
of salted provisions which hath not been inspected, with any mark or brand
similar to, or in imitation of, the inspector's said mark or brand, or
after the said
inspector shall have passed any barrel of salted provisions as merchantable,
pack into the cask which contains the same, any other salted provisions,
or, after
any barrel of salted provisions shall be branded with a broad arrow, shall
and repack the same into other casks or packages, for exportation out of
this state,
such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds current money
for every
barrel. |
Penalty on
persons altering
the marks,
&c. |
XVII. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners, or the major part of
them, shall be and are hereby empowered, at any time to displace or remove
said officer from his office, if the said commissioners, or the major
part of them,
shall see cause, and shall and may nominate and appoint another fit person
such office, during the residue of the year, who shall have power to execute
same office according to the directions of this act, on his taking the
said oath of
office. |
may remove
the office,
&c. |
XVIII. And be
it enacted, That before any of the said officers shall enter
upon the execution of their respective offices, they shall take the several
oaths to
government appointed by law. |
Officers to
take the oaths,
&c. |
XIX. And be
it enacted, That all and every the penalties and forfeitures, in
and by this act set and appointed, shall be recovered before a single magistrate,
as in case of small debts, in the name of the commissioners of the town,
and be
by them laid out and expended in mending the public wharfs and streets
in the
said town. |
How penalties
are to be
&c. |
XX. This act to continue and be in force for
and during the term of six years,
and until the end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter. |
Continuance. |