of MARYLAND, begun and held at the
city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the sixth of November, in
the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred
and eighty-six, and ended the twentieth
day of
January, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, the
following LAWS were enacted:
SMALLWOOD, Esq; Governor. |
An ACT to repeal an act, entitled, An act for the relief of John Briscoe.
private act.) |
Passed January
20. |
A Second supplement to the act for establishing a company for
opening and extending the navigation of the river Patowmack. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS the two last summers have been so unfavourable
to the
work of making and improving the navigation above the Great Falls
in Patowmack river, that the same cannot probably be perfected within
the three years limited and allowed by the act for establishing a company
opening and extending the navigation of the river Patowmack:
Therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said Patomack
company shall have and be allowed until the seventeenth day of November,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety, for making and improving the navigation
between the Great Falls and Fort Cumberland; and that on the same being
in the manner prescribed by the said act, before the said seventeenth day
of November,
the said company shall be entitled to all tolls, profits and advantages,
as if the same were done within the three years allowed by the said act,
thing contained in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Further time
allowed, &c. |
III. This act to take place as soon as a similar
law shall be passed by the legislature
of the commonwealth of Virginia. |
Commencement. |
An ACT for the benefit of Elizabeth Willson of Saint Mary's county.
private act.) |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT to empower the justices of Charles county to levy on the
inhabitants of said county a sum of money for the relief
of Francis
Speake. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS Francis Speake, by his petition to this
general assembly,
hath set forth, that he was appointed inspector of tobacco at Chickamuxen
warehouse, in Charles county, in the month of April, seventeen
hundred and eighty-five, and thereafter qualified, by taking the oaths
giving security agreeable to law; that although the said warehouse was
in good
repair, well locked and bolted, four hogsheads of tobacco, amounting to
thousand nine hundred and fifty-two pounds net crop tobacco, were thence
stolen and taken away, which said quantity of tobacco was replaced by
the petitioner, out of his own private property; and that he was at the
and expence of keeping constant sentinels in the said warehouse from the
fifth day
of July until the tenth day of October, in the year aforesaid; and therefore
relief; |
Preamble. |