to any judge of the general courts, or any two justices of the county
court, to an habeas corpus cum causa, to remove himself or herself,
with the proceedings in the case, to the general court, where such person
shall be tried upon such removal. |
Continuance. |
IX. This act to continue for and during the
term of three years, and
until the end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter. |
Passed March
11. |
An ACT to vest certain powers in the governor and the
council. |
Governor and
council to appoint
a person
to forfeit
loans, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor
and the council be authorised and requested to appoint some
sensible and discreet person of integrity and abilities, to solicit and
receive, before the first day of January seventeen hundred and eighty-seven,
on the behalf and credit of this state, loans of current money, or
tobacco inspected since the first day of April seventeen hundred and
eighty-five, not exceeding thirty thousand pounds in current money, and
three thousand hogsheads of tobacco at such reasonable prices as may be
agreed on, according to the quality, county and warehouse, on the terms
of the public paying an annual interest of eight per cent. and the
within three years from the time of the loan; and the person so to be
appointed, on procuring any loan, shall give his receipt in writing for
same to the lender, expressing the time of the loan, the name of the
lending, and the sum lent; and the treasurer of the western shore, on
such receipt being produced to him, shall issue to the owner thereof a
certificate or certificates therefor, which shall be printed and struck
in the
following form, (with such devices and marks as the said treasurer
may think proper and best to prevent counterfeits,) and shall be signed
by him, and countersigned by his deputy.
The State of Maryland, sc.
THIS certificate shall entitle the bearer to receive
from the state of
Maryland, the sum of _____ current money, within three years from
the date thereof, with interest annually, at the rate of eight per cent.
Issued at the city of Annapolis, on the _____ day of
_____, in the
year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, and in the tenth year of
the independence of the said state.
_____ _____, Treasurer.
_____ _____, Deputy Treasurer.
And the person receiving the said loans shall, from time to time, transmit
to the said treasurer a list thereof; and the person so appointed is directed
to pay particular attention to the quality of the tobacco; and the governor
and the council are authorised and requested to direct the tobacco
obtained as aforesaid to be shipped or sold as they may think best, and
may employ a proper person to transact this business. |
Interest to be
paid out of
supplies, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That any interest due on the said certificates
shall be paid out of the supplies received in each year, unless special
be provided and appropriated for that purpose, and the public faith is
hereby pledged, that the general assembly, at their session in November
next, will provide ample lands for the payment of the principal money
borrowed within the term of three years as expressed in the said certificates. |
A person to
be appointed. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the governor and the council be authorised
and requested to appoint some fit and proper person to complete and |