X. |
have arisen before the tenth day of January seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
shall be brought in, liquidated and settled, on or before the tenth
day of November seventeen hundred and eighty-five; and no claim against
the state by any citizen thereof, which did arise on any account or
whatsoever before the said tenth day of January seventeen hundred
and eighty-five, be passed or settled by the auditor or intendant,
or paid by this state, unless the person having such claim is or shall
an infant, non compos mentis, or feme covert, or be out of this state,
in which cases one year shall be allowed to such persons respectively,
the disability removed or the person so being out of the state returns,
bring in and settle such claims: And whereas it is represented
to this
general assembly, that sundry citizens of this state having claims
the same, through the remoteness of their situation from the auditor
intendant, and other causes, have not brought in the said claims to
liquidated and settled on or before the aforesaid tenth day of November
seventeen hundred and eighty-five, as directed by the above recited
and it appearing reasonable that a further time should be allowed for
purpose aforesaid to such persons as have just claims against this
state; |
Claims by citizens
may be
brought in by
June 1st, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all claims
upon this state by any citizen thereof, (except claims for the depreciation
and pay of the army previous to the first day of August seventeen hundred
and eighty,) which have arisen before the said tenth day of January seventeen
hundred and eighty-five, may be brought in, passed and settled, by
the auditor-general or intendant, on or before the first day of June seventeen
hundred and eighty-six, and paid by this state, any thing in the said
recited act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Claims by
persons not
citizens to be
brought in by
Dec. 1, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all claims against this state by any citizen
of any other of the United States, shall be brought in and settled as aforesaid,
on or before the first day of December seventeen hundred and eighty-six,
and that no claim against this state as aforesaid, which shall not be
brought in and settled agreeably to the directions of this act, shall hereafter
be pad by this state. Unless the person having such claim be an
infant, feme covert, or person non compos mentis, or in some foreign
country, in which cases one year shall be allowed to bring in and settle
such claim after the disability removed or the return of such person to
this or some one of the United States, as the case may be. |
Copy to be
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That a copy of this act, under the great seal,
shall be sent as soon as may be to the respective executive powers of the
other United States by the governor of this state, with a request that
substance of this act be published. |
An ACT for the relief of Charles Henry Wharton and Henry Pile.
(A private act.) |
An ACT for the relief of sundry persons, securities of
Thomas Boyer, late sheriff and collector of Kent county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the
memorial and petition of William Maxwell and William
Rasin, administrators of the aforesaid Thomas Boyer, that the
aforesaid Thomas Boyer, on the twenty-second day of March, in the year |