obliged to take an account of the marks of such beasts, both natural
and artificial,
which the persons aggrieved shall set up in the most public places
in the same county,
and until the owner shall be known, it shall and may be lawful for
such injured
person to use and employ such horses, mares and geldings, without incurring
penalties in this act therein after imposed, not injuring such beast
by any careless
or wilful means, which beast shall be delivered in good order to the
person owning
the same, proving his property by the testimony of one witness before
any magistrate,
which method, by experience, is found inconvenient to the owner or
of such horses, mares or geldings, they being very often kept for a
time in the possession of the party by whom such horse, mare or gelding,
are taken
up, before the same comes to the knowledge of the owner of such horse,
mare or
gelding; for prevention whereof, |
Notice to be
given by the
party grieved;
how and in
what manner. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the right honourable the lord proprietary, by and with the
advice and consent of his lordship's governor, and the upper and
lower houses of assembly,
and the authority of the same, That from and after the end of
this session
of assembly, the party grieved, who shall take up any such horse, mare
gelding, trespassing as aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby obliged
and directed, to set
up such account so taken by the magistrate as aforesaid, describing
the marks of
such beasts, both natural and artificial, at the court-house door,
and other public
places in the county where such horse, mare or gelding, shall be taken
up, within five
days after such account taken; and moreover cause the marks, natural
and artificial,
of such horse, mare or gelding, to be recorded amongst the records
of such
county court, within five days after such account shall be taken, and
cause the
same to be published in the Maryland gazette in one month, if the said
beast be
taken upon the western shore, and in two months if taken upon the eastern
after such account shall be taken, which publication shall be continued
weeks successively in the said gazette, and the expences arising thereon
shall be
paid by the owner or owners of such horse, mare or gelding, at the
time of his receiving
any such horse, mare or gelding; any law, usage or custom, to the contrary
in anywise notwithstanding. |
Penalty. |
III. And be
it further enacted, That any person that shall take up such horse,
mare or gelding, and that shall act contrary to the directions of this
act, shall, for
every such offence forfeit the sum of ten pounds current money, one
half to the
informer, the other half to the party grieved, to be recovered in any
county court
of this province, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein
no essoin,
protection, or wager of law, nor more than one imparlance, shall be
allowed. |
Continuance. |
IV. This act to continue seven years, and
unto the end of the next session of
assembly which shall happen after the expiration of the said seven
See the act of November, 1766, ch.
6. |
An ACT for the speedy and effectual publication of the laws of this
and for the encouragement of Anne Catharine Green,
of the city of Annapolis,
printer. |
An ACT for the relief of certain languishing prisoners in the several
gaols therein
Viz. James Alexander, and John
Hayward, of Dorchester county; John Hume, John Colbert, James
Connelly, William Snelling, William Cook, John Liddle,
William Jones, of Talbot county; Robert
Lynn, William Saffel, Mordecai Madden, George French,
Henry Hoffstadler, Christopher White, Absalom
Bonham, Daniel Shultz, Wilkliam Kimbol, Bostian Keenot,
Josias Tennerly, and Thomas Ogden,
of Frederick county; James Chalmers, and Michael Hanchliff,
of Anne-Arundel county; Nicholas
Brown, Abraham Cordary, Henry Hancock, Moses Greer, Price
Collings, Lazarus Townsend, William
Sturgess, John Calloway, Edward Macglamery, and William
Spicer, of Worcester county; Robert Hatten,
Stephen Roach, Anne Dunker, John Watherly, William Turpin,
and James Acworth, of Somerset
county; John Hukil, Richard Ratcliff, Priscilla Dios,
Nathaniel Bailey, Nicholas Seymour, Joseph Gill,
George Hall, William Godwin, James Chairs, William Moore,
William Berry, John Kinnimont, and
John Cockey, of Queen-Anne's county; Samuel Roberts,
Mary Chick, Thomas Chandler, William
Warner, and Thomas Palmer, of Cæcil county; Samuel
Cross, Alexander McCulloch, John Morris,
Edward Mills, Abraham Fetter, Thomas Fanning, and Henry
Slight, of Baltimore county; Edward |