all other ministerial officers, are hereby required and enjoined to
give due obedience
to the commands and orders of the said governor in the execution of the
power and authority. |
May issue
warrant, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the governor, or
any judge of the general court, or justice of the peace, to issue his warrant
arrest such offender, and the said offender to commit or bail, as circumstances
may require; provided nevertheless, if such offender be charged by a private
citizen, and not by the governor or executive of the offended state, the
be on oath, and the evidence be such as affords just grounds to believe
the charge or accusation is true. |
May take recognizance,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That if the circumstances of the case should require
that such offender be bailed, that it may and shall be lawful for the governor,
any judge or justice, to take the offender's recognizance, with good and
sureties, and in such sum or sums of money as may be thought adequate to
the party's appearance according to the tenor of his said recognizance,
condition of which shall be as follows: " The condition of the above
and recognizance is such, that if the said _____ shall make his personal
appearance before the governor, at the city of Annapolis, on the _____
day of
_____ and not depart from thence without his leave or permission, then
above obligation and recognizance shall be void." |
Judge, &c. to
forward a
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That when such an offender as aforesaid shall be arrested
by any judge or justice, and committed or bailed as aforesaid, such judge
or justice shall, without delay, forward a transcript of such proceeding,
with the
recognizance, if any taken, to the governor, who shall, with all convenient
dispatch, whenever such offender shall be arrested, give information to
the offended
state, and if no demand be made pursuant to the articles of confederation
within a reasonable time after such communication, the party arrested may
discharged. |
Forfeited recognizance
be recorded,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That if such offender as aforesaid shall forfeit his
recognizance, the governor shall deliver the same to the clerk of the general
court of that shore where the offender or his sureties respectively reside,
and the
clerk shall thereupon issue such process against the offender and his sureties
the recovery of the forfeiture, as the law in other cases of forfeited
provides and directs. |
President may
act in absence
of governor. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the president of the council, in the absence of
the governor, shall and may exercise all the power and authority which
is hereby
given to the said governor. |
An ACT to empower the justices of Washington county to assess and levy
a sum
of money from the inhabitants of said county, for the
purpose of finishing the
building of their court-house and prison.
The county court is directed to assess,
in each of the years 1785 and 1786, a sum not exceeding £. 500,
to be paid to them, and by them applied to the finishing of their court-house
and prison. |
An ACT to empower Elijah Merryman to demise the real estate therein
PR. |
An ACT to declare Joshua Johnson, merchant, his wife and children,
of this state. PR. |
An ACT for establishing a company for opening and extending
the navigation of the river Patowmack. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the extension of the navigation of Patowmack
river, from
tide water to the highest place practicable on the north branch, will
be of great public utility, and many persons are willing to subscribe |