WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
XXVI. And be
it enacted, That the treasurer is hereby empowered and required
to receive all the money arising, as well from the aforesaid assessment,
as also the
fines and forfeitures imposed, and all other monies arising by virtue of
this act,
and the said treasurer shall keep a distinct account of all the rates and
made, or to be made, as aforesaid, and also all monies by him so received,
also of all disbursements and payments he shall make by orders from the
commissioners, whose orders to the said treasurer shall be sufficient discharges,
which orders the special commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby
to draw for the the uses and purposes in this act. |
Treasurer to
receive money
from fines,
&c. |
XXVII. And be
it enacted, That the said treasurer, before he enters upon the
execution of his said office, is hereby required to give a bond, with one
or more
sufficient sureties, to be by them the said special commissioners approved
of, in
the penalty of two thousand pounds current money, with condition for the
of all such monies which shall come to his hand by virtue of this or any
other act, according to the orders drawn on him as aforesaid, and not otherwise,
and for the due performance of his duty in the trust hereby committed to
and the said treasurer shall yearly bring in his accounts, and settle the
same with
the special commissioners aforesaid, which said accounts, so settled and
be published in the Baltimore news-papers, for the satisfaction and information
of the citizens thereof; and the said treasurer shall be allowed for his
trouble in
keeping such accounts, and receiving and paying all such money as shall
into his hands as treasurer, at the rate of three-pence in the pound. |
To give bond,
&c. |
enacted, That the inhabitants of Baltimore-town, qualified to
vote for delegates, elect annually by ballot, at the election for delegates,
persons, inhabitants of said town, skilful in accounts, and men of integrity
capacity, who shall be called comptrollers of accounts, who are to examine,
certify that they have examined, and approve or disapprove, the annual
of the commissioners directed to be published in the news-papers, which
or disapprobation shall also be published with the account. |
to be elected,
&c. |
XXIX. Be it
enacted, That each of the said comptrollers, so elected, shall be
allowed out of the money raised by this act twenty shillings each for his
in performing the above duty. |
Their allowance. |
XXX. Be it enacted,
That the aforesaid persons or comptrollers are hereby
directed and authorised to ascertain what pay the special commissioners
shall be
entitled to for the time employed in discharge of the duties enjoined by
them by this
act, and that the sum agreed upon and certified by the said comptrollers
be paid
said special commissioners by the treasurer, and that this settlement be
and the pay confined to the acting special commissioners. |
To ascertain
pay, &c. |
XXXI. And be
it enacted, That if the said treasurer shall refuse or neglect to
do his duty, he shall be removed from his said office by any four or more
of the
said commissioners; and in case of such removal, or if the said treasurer
happen to die, the special commissioners to elect a successor; and the
treasurer so
removed, or the executors or administrators of the treasurer so dying,
shall deliver
to the succeeding treasurer all books, public accounts and papers, belonging
the said office, whole and undefaced, and shall likewise pay to the said
treasurer all such sum or sums of money as he may have received, or have
paid to him as treasurer, under the penalty of two hundred pounds. |
may be removed,
&c. |
XXXII. And be
it enacted, That all the penalties, fines and forfeitures, imposed
by this act or any other act, the manner of levying and recovering of which
is not
before directed, if not exceeding five pounds, shall be recovered before
one of the
justices of the peace; and if such penalties, fines and forfeitures, do
exceed the
sum of five pounds, then to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint
information, in any county court within the state, wherein no essoin, protection,
or wager of law to be allowed; all which recoveries shall be had in
the name of and by the treasurer aforesaid, to whom the sums recovered
shall |
How fines,
&c. are to be
recovered. |
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