to be
first paved,
&c. |
VII. And be it
enacted, That Baltimore-street be first paved, and that those
streets which are most essential to the welfare and trade of the town,
be paved in
succession, till the whole be completed, or such parts of them as appear
to be paved by the aforesaid special commissioners. |
Account to be
rendered, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the special commissioners render annually an
account of the receipts and expenditures of all monies to the commissioners
Baltimore-town, and publish in the Baltimore news-papers, in the first
month of
every year, a copy of the said account. |
Four commissioners
act, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or any four or more of
them, be authorised to execute the trust and duties reposed in them by
this act;
and in case of the death, resignation, or removal from the said town, by
either of
them, the residue, or a majority of them, may fill up such vacancy. |
Continuance. |
X. This act to continue for five years, and
until the end of the next session of
assembly that shall happen thereafter. |
An ACT relating to the fines to be imposed on jurymen, witnesses,
and constables. |
Fine on jurors,
&c. for
neglect. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That in all cases in
which jurors or witnesses shall be summoned to appear at the general court,
and shall, without sufficient excuse, neglect to appear, the general
may fine every such delinquent not exceeding thirty-five pounds current
and whenever any jurors or witnesses shall be summoned to attend any county
court, and shall, without sufficient excuse, neglect to appear, every such
may be fined by the said court not exceeding twenty pounds current money. |
On constables,
&c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That whenever any person shall be appointed a constable
by any court, and shall neglect to act according to such appointment, and
shall not, within five days after notice of such appointment, qualify as
or within that time find a sufficient and proper person to qualify and
act in his
stead, he shall be fined by the said court not exceeding ten pounds current
money. |
Continuance. |
III. This act to continue and be in force
three years, and until the end of
the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter.
Continued by the act of 1785, ch. 77,
for seven years, &c. |
An ACT for laying off and clearing a main road from Elizabeth-town,
in Washington county, through Charlton's gap in the
South Mountain, on a streight line, till it intersects
the road
leading from Frederick-town, to York-town, in Pennsylvania. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
sundry inhabitants of Washington and Frederick counties, that they
have discovered a good waggon road can be made from Elizabeth-town,
in Washington county, through Charlton's gap in the South Mountain,
which, if opened and extended, would facilitate the carriage of produce
the said part of Washington, and part of Cumberland county, in Pennsylvania,
and the county over the Allegany mountains, to Baltimore-town, by which
the subjects of this state would be better enabled to pay their taxes,
and would
increase the trade of the state in general: |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That Daniel Hughes,
Alexander Clagett, and James Walling, of Washington county, are appointed
commissioners, and are hereby authorised to lay off a main road, forty
feet wide,
from Elizabeth-town, in Washington county, through Charlton's gap, the
and best way towards Baltimore-town, on as streight a line as the nature
of the |