THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
An ACT for the protection of our bay trade, and to defend our citizens
to plunder by the enemies barges.
This act orders four large barges immediately
to be procured, and fitted with sails, oars, cannon and
swivels, and to be well manned and provided in every respect for a cruize
within the bay, until the 1st
of January. It likewise appoints an honourable ambassador or agent
to repair to the capital of Virginia,
and consult with the legislature or executive of that commonwealth, on
the most effectual measures for
protecting the trade of Chesapeake; and to assure our sister state of our
sincere wishes to live with her on
terms of the strictest harmony, and in an interchange of friendly offices.
The act also contains, amongst a great number of provisions,
the following equitable and humane law: |
1782. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That if any officer,
seaman, waterman or marine,
shall lose a limb, or be otherwise maimed or hurt, so as to be rendered
of procuring a livelihood, such officer, seaman, waterman or marine, shall
be entitled
to receive the same provision and support, as is or shall hereafter be
by this state for its officers and soldiers in the service of the United
States. |
Officers, &c.
disabled to
be provided
for, &c. |
An ACT for the building a new court-house and gaol in Queen-Anne's
and for other purposes therein mentioned.
A majority of seven persons, named
in this act, is authorised to purchase four acres of land, at or near
the head of Corsica creek; and if they cannot agree with the proprietor
for the price, it must be ascertained
in the mode prescribed on a similar occasion by the act of November, 1781,
ch. 10. A certificate
of this ground is to be made out by the surveyor of the county, and enrolled
by the clerk amongst the
county records. The commissioners are to pay for the ground out of
the money which they are authorised
to raise from the sale of the old court-house and prison. The residue
of that money they are to apply
to the building of the new prison. And until the court-house and
prison be built at the said place, or
buildings convenient for holding court, &c. be erected there, the justices
are required to procure convenient
places near Chester mill, for the meeting of the court, for a repository
of the records, and for the
custody of prisoners. But no provision is hereby made for building
the court-house. |
An ACT to prevent the exportation of bread and flour not merchantable
from George-town in Montgomery county, and for
other purposes. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the act to prevent
the exportation of bread and flour not merchantable, and for other purposes,
made and passed at a session of assembly, begun and held at the city of
Annapolis, on Monday the fifth of November, one thousand seven hundred
eighty-one, have full force and operation, and apply in the same degree
and manner
to George-town in Montgomery county, as if made for said town, after the
first day of August ensuing. |
Act to apply
to George-town,
&c. |
II. And,
whereas there is a difference between the size of the Pennsylvania and
Virginia flour casks, and the flour casks established by the aforesaid
act, by which
means the exportation of Pennsylvania and Virginia made flour from this
state is
prevented: Therefore, Be it enacted,
That it shall and may be lawful to export
Pennsylvania and Virginia flour, packed in Pennsylvania and Virginia casks,
of a
size and made conformable to the regulations of the laws of the said states,
the ports of Baltimore and George-town aforesaid, provided that the flour
is merchantable
agreeable to the regulations of this state, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
and Virginia
flour may be
exported, &c.
III. This act to continue and be in force
for and during the term of the act to
prevent the exportation of bread and flour not merchantable, and for other
purposes. |
Continuance. |
An ACT to authorise the commissioners for the preservation and sale
of confiscated
British property, to convey certain lands to William Winder. |
An ACT declaring that the causeway leading through Pocomoke swamp to
hill, be repaired and maintained
at the charge of Worcester county.
And it shall serve as a public highway;
and the court shall appoint an overseer to keep it, at the county's
expence, in good order for travellers, their beasts, carriages and burthens. |