by the surveyor of the county, to the next county court, who shall cause
same to be entered on their records, and may agree with any person to erect
repair, at the expence of the county, buildings necessary for carrying
on such
ferry; and the land valued by the jury, and the buildings thereon, shall
the property of the county for ever, and shall be annually rented out to
such person
as the said county court may think proper to licence to keep ferry at such
place; and the court shall yearly pay to the proprietor of the land, his
heirs, executors,
administrators or assigns, the annual value or rent estimated by the jury
as aforesaid; and the said court shall assess the same, and the expence
of erecting
or repairing buildings as aforesaid, on all the property in their county,
in the
same manner as other county charges are assessed by law. |
In case of
death may
permit others,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That any ferry-keeper shall die between the setting of
county court, that any two justices may, in their discretion, permit any
of their county to keep the ferry until the next court, who may appoint
person for the residue for the year; and the person obtaining such person
shall enter
into recognizance before the two justices, similar to the recognizance
before directed to be taken by the court. |
Courts may
agree with
persons to
keep ferries,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall extend, or be
construed to extend, to prohibit the county courts, as heretofore practised,
agreeing with persons to keep ferries, but in such case they shall take
and ascertain the prices to be taken by the person keeping such ferry,
the same manner as herein before directed. |
Continuance. |
VI. This act to continue in force for three
years, and until the end of the next
session of assembly which shall happen after the expiration of the said
three years.
Continued by the act of 1784, ch. 83,
until the end of the next session; and by the act of 1785, ch.
77, for seven years, &c. |
An ACT relating to forfeited recognizances, judgments in treason, and
fines imposed
by militia courts martial.
To continue until the end of the next
session, Expired. |
An ACT for an addition to
Baltimore-town in Baltimore county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS John Moale and Andrew Stigar, of Baltimore-town,
their humble petition to this general assembly, have set forth, that
the said John Moale is seized in fee-simple of a lot of land lying contiguous
to the said town, and bounded in the following manner: Beginning
the east corner of the lot of land number sixty-five, on Bridge-street,
in the first
addition to Baltimore-town, on the east side of Jones's falls, and running
north forty-nine degrees east twenty perches, north forty-one degrees west
perches, south fifty-eight degrees west twenty perches and the fourth part
a perch, unto the north corner of the lot of land number seventy-one in
aforesaid addition to Baltimore-town, and then bounding on and with the
addition unto the place of beginning, containing six acres and one hundred
ten square perches more or less: That the said Andrew Stigar is sized
in fee-simple
of a lot or parcel of land adjacent to the said lot of land of the said
Moale, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the end of the line north
degrees east twenty perches of the said John Moale's lot, and running from
thence north twenty-six degrees and forty-five minutes east sixty-eight
south seventy-seven degrees west thirty-nine perches and half of a perch,
unto the end of the line north forty-one degrees west fifty-two perches
of the said
John Moale's lot aforesaid, and then bounding on the line reverse of the
unto the lot aforesaid place of beginning, containing eleven acres and
square perches more or less: They also further set forth, that
at a session of assembly,
begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Tuesday the sixteenth day
of November, seventeen hundred and seventy-three, an act was made for the
of annexing said land to the aforesaid town; that the commissioners
of said |