XX. |
court of this state, such person shall be fined not exceeding one hundred
current money, in the discretion of the court. |
Persons forging
tickets, &c.
to suffer
death. |
X. And be it
enacted, That if any subject or inhabitant of this state shall,
or without this state, and if any person whatever shall, within this state,
or counterfeit any of the tickets in the United States lottery, or shall
forge or
counterfeit any of the certificates, bills or notes of the continental
loan-office, or
alter the sum expressed in any of the said certificates, bills or notes,
or shall offer
or cause to be offered, in payment, any such counterfeit, forged or altered
bill or note, knowing the same to be counterfeit, forged or altered, and
be thereof convicted in the general court, or shall stand mute, or peremptorily
challenge above the number of twenty of the pannel, such person shall suffer
death as a felon, without benefit of clergy. |
Persons forging
bills of
credit to suffer
death. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That if any subject or inhabitant of this state shall,
within or without this state, and if any person whatever shall, within
this state,
forge or counterfeit any of the bills of credit issued by congress, or
by any assembly,
convention, legislature, or other supreme authority of this state, or any
other of
the United States, or shall alter the sum expressed in any of the said
bills of credit,
or shall offer, or cause to be offered, in payment, any such counterfeit,
forged or
altered bill of credit, knowing the same to be counterfeit, forged or altered,
shall be thereof convicted in the general court of this state, or shall
stand mute, or
peremptorily challenge above the number of twenty of the pannel, such person
shall suffer death as a felon, without benefit of clergy. |
In case of invasion
may arrest
persons, &c. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That in case this state shall be invaded by the enemy,
the governor for the time being, with the advice of the council, shall
have full
power and authority to arrest, or order to be arrested, all persons whose
going at
large the governor and council shall have good grounds to believe may be
to the safety of this state, and the same persons to confine during such
to such places as the governor and the council shall think proper, or to
such persons to particular districts in this state, or in their discretion
to discharge
such person on security; and that during any invasion of this state by
the enemy,
the habeas corpus act shall be suspended, as to all such persons
arrested by the order
of the governor and council. |
Civil officers,
&c. to take
the oath of
fidelilty. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That every senator, delegate to congress or assembly,
member of the council, electors of the senate, and every attorney at law,
and all
civil officers, and all persons holding any office of trust or profit in
this state, shall
take, repeat and subscribe, the following oath of fidelity and support
to this state,
before he acts as such, or enters into the execution of his office, to
wit, " I, A. B.
" do swear, that I do not hold myself bound to yield any allegiance or
" to the king of Great-Britain, his heirs or successors, and that I will
be true and
" faithful to the state of Maryland, and will, to the utmost of my power,
" maintain and defend, the freedom and independence thereof, and the government
" as now established, against all open enemies, and secret and traiterous
" conspiracies, and will use my utmost endeavours to disclose and make
" to the governor, or some one of the judges or justices thereof, all treason
" traiterous conspiracies, attempts or combinations, against this state
or the government
" thereof, which may come to my knowledge. So help me God." |
To be taken
within three
months, &c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That every member of the present general assembly,
and the council, shall take, repeat and subscribe, the said oath, immediately
the passing this act, and before he acts as such; and if any person
now holding
any office of trust or profit, shall not, within three months after the
end of this
present session, take, repeat and subscribe, the same oath, or affirmation
if a quaker,
menonist or dunker, he shall be ipso facto disqualified to hold
such office, and
the office of such person shall be filled agreeable to its institution. |
Voters, &c. to
take the same
oath. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That every voter for delegates or sheriffs, or for electors
of the senate, if required, and every other person required by law to take
the |
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