THOMAS JOHNSON, Esq; Governor.
IX. And be it
enacted, That the judges of the court of appeals, or any
three or more of them, shall hold their first court at the city of Annapolis
on the first Tuesday in October next, and on the first Tuesday in May and
for ever thereafter; and that the judges of the general court, or any
one of
them, shall hold their first court for transacting and determining the
business of
the eastern shore at Talbot court-house in Talbot county on the second
of September next, and on the second Tuesday of April and September, until
town shall be laid out at Dover, and a court-house and prison there erected,
which the said court for the eastern shore shall for ever be held at Dover
on the
second Tuesdays of April and September; and that the judges aforesaid,
or any
one or more of them, shall hold their first court for transacting the business
of the
western shore, at the city of Annapolis, on the second Tuesday of October
and on the second Tuesday of May and October for ever after; and that the
justices of the several county courts, under the present form of government,
or any
three or more of them, hold their respective courts on the days heretofore
by acts of assembly. |
When the
courts are to
be held. |
X. And be it
enacted, That seven jurors from each county, three of whom
shall be of the grand jury, and four for the petit jury, be summoned by
the sheriffs
of each county on the eastern shore to attend the general court for that
shore; and that the same number of jurors be summoned by each sheriff of
western shore to attend the general court to be held for that shore; and
the several
sheriffs of this state shall summon for such jurors freemen of their respective
counties, of the most wisdom and experience, and having a freehold of fifty
acres of land in his county, or property in the state above the value of
three hundred
pounds current money, and no challenge shall be allowed to any person for
the want of freehold, and in summoning such jurors shall observe the same
rules as
by law the sheriffs were heretofore bound to observe in summoning jurors
to the
provincial court. |
Seven jurors
from each
county to be
for the general
court. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That any justice of the peace of the county where the
debtor resides, may, on application, grant licence for the bringing of
any suit before
the first day of July next, in such cases and in the same manner as any
could have done under the resolve of convention of the twenty-sixth day
July, seventeen hundred and seventy-five, and may in his discretion grant
for the recovery of any debt within his jurisdiction; and any two justices
of the
peace shall be invested, until the first day of July next with the same
power, and
may act in all cases, intrusted by a resolve of the seventh of December,
hundred and seventy-five, to any committee. |
Justice may
grant licence
for bringing
suits, &c. |
An ACT to enable the governor to issue commissions of oyer and terminer
gaol delivery in certain cases.
The power herein given was to exist
only during the war, and the act has not since been continued.
The said courts were to sit wherever the governor should be pleased to
appoint, for the trial of high treason,
insurrections, or any high and dangerous misdemeanors; provided, that any
person charged with one
of these offences, should be tried on the shore where it should be alleged
to have been committed. |
An ACT to continue the acts of assembly therein mentioned. |
An ACT concerning duties. |
BE it enacted,
the general assembly of Maryland, That no duties imposed
by act of assembly on any article or thing imported into or exported out
this state (except duties imposed on the importation of negroes), shall
taken or received within two years from the end of the present session
of the general
assembly. |
No duties to
be taken for
two years,
&c. |