THOMAS JOHNSON, Esq; Governor.
An ACT relating to the public
buildings in Harford county. |
1777. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, by
a memorial of John
Taylor, sheriff of Harford county, that the commissioners for erecting
public buildings in said county have been directed by resolves of conventions
to let out the money on interest that hath been assessed for that purpose:
And whereas sundry inhabitants of said county have not discharged their
quota levied
in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-five which ought to have been
paid last year, and it appearing unjust to burthen said sheriff with interest
what he hath not received; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the general assembly of Maryland, That the sheriff
of Harford county be allowed until the first day of November next to complete
the collection of the money assessed for erecting public buildings in said
without being subject to pay interest on such money as he hath not collected,
any law or resolve to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Sheriff allowed
till Nov. to
complete the
collection. |
An ACT to establish orphans courts in the several counties of this
state. |
WHEREAS, by the form of government lately assented
to by the representatives
of the freemen of this state, it is intended, that the office of
commissary-general should be abolished, and that an orphans court,
and a register of wills, under the control of said court, should be appointed
every county: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the general assembly of Maryland, That the office
of commissary-general in this state be for ever hereafter abolished, and
that seven
of the justices of the peace in Anne-Arundel, Baltimore, and Prince-George's
counties, and five of the justices of the peace in St. Mary's, Kent, Calvert,
Somerset, Dorchester, Cæcil, Talbot, Queen-Anne's, Worcester, Frederick,
Caroline, Washington, and Montgomery counties, shall be specially named
by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, and be by
him commissioned
as and for justices of the several orphans courts in this state, any three
or more of whom, shall have power to hold a court once in two months, or
as the case shall require, within their several and respective counties,
at the
usual place of holding county courts, and therein shall proceed according
to the
laws now in force, or hereafter to be in force, for the administration
of justice in
testamentary affairs, granting administrations, recovery of legacies, securing
portions, and distribution of intestate estates; and shall have the same
authority and jurisdiction, within their several counties, which the commissary-general
heretofore by law had and exercised within this state. |
The office of
orphans courts
erected/ |
III. And be
it enacted, That the orphans courts in the several counties shall
held on the second Tuesdays in June, August, October, December, February,
April, yearly, or oftener, if need be, on their own adjournments; and that
justices of such courts, before they proceed to business, shall severally
take the
oath of allegiance and fidelity to this state, as also the oath of judge
or justice, and
sign a declaration of his belief in the christian religion. |
When to be
held, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the register of wills, appointed in each county
under the form of government, shall have all the power, authority and jurisdiction,
which the deputy commissaries heretofore by law had and exercised in such
and moreover shall diligently attend the meeting of the orphans court in
county, and there make full and fair entries of their proceedings; and
shall also
make a fair record of all wills and other matters heretofore recorded in
the office
of the commissary-general, and give out copies, under seal, when demanded,
all such records; and shall be entitled to a reward for his services according
to the
table of fees hereafter to be settled. |
Registers to
have the same
power as deputy
had, &c. |
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