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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
Volume 203, Page 121   View pdf image (33K)
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and expence of such places shall be defrayed by the said counties respectively, and assessed with the public
and county levy.
    RESOLVED, That the justices of the said counties respectively, shall be and they are hereby authorised
and required, to assess and levy, on the taxable inhabitants of the said counties respectively, with the public
and county levy, as much money as will pay for the purchase or valuation of the land aforesaid, together
with the sheriff's salary of such per centum as may be hereafter allowed for collection of the same; which
said sum shall be collected by the sheriffs of the said counties respectively, from the inhabitants of the said
counties respectively, in the same manner as other public and counties levies may be by law hereafter collected;
and the said money, when collected, shall be paid by the sheriffs to such person or persons as the
commissioners aforesaid, or the major part of them, shall order and direct.
    RESOLVED, That the justices of Washington county, shall be and they are hereby authorised and required,
to assess and levy, by three equal assessments, in the years seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, seventeen
hundred and seventy-eight, and seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, with their public and county
levy, any sum not exceeding thirteen hundred pounds common money, in and upon the inhabitants of
Washington county, together with the sheriff's salary of such a per centum as may be hereafter allowed
for collection of the same; which said sum, so to be assessed and levied, shall be collected by the sheriff of
Washington county from the inhabitants thereof, in the same manner as other public and county levies
shall be hereafter by law collected, and the said money, when collected, shall be paid by the said sheriff to
the commissioners of Washington county aforesaid, and shall be by them applied towards building the
court-house and prison in the said county.
    RESOLVED, That the justices of Montgomery county, shall be and they are hereby authorised and required,
to assess and levy, with the public and county levy, by three equal assessments, in the years seventeen
hundred and seventy-seven, seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, and seventeen hundred and seventy-nine,
any sum not exceeding thirteen hundred pounds common money, together with the sheriff's salary of
such a per centum as may hereafter be allowed for collecting the same; which said money, so to be assessed
and levied, shall be collected by the sheriff of Montgomery county from the inhabitants of the said county,
in the same manner as other public and county levies are by law collected; which said money, when collected,
shall be paid by the said sheriff to the commissioners of Montgomery county aforesaid, and applied
by them towards building the court-house and prison aforesaid for the said county.
    RESOLVED, That the commissioners of the said counties respectively, or the major part of them, shall
be, and they are hereby authorised and required, to contract and agree for the building of the said court-house
and prison on the land to be purchased as aforesaid.
    RESOLVED, That all causes, pleas, process and pleadings, which now are or shall be depending in Frederick
county court before the first day of December next, shall and may be prosecuted as effectually as
they might have been had these resolves never been made; and in case any deeds or conveyances of land
in Washington county or Montgomery county, have been or shall be before the division aforesaid,
acknowledged according to law in Frederick county, the enrollment and recording thereof within the
time limited by law, either in the county court of Frederick county, or in the county court of Washington
or Montgomery county, shall be good and available, the division aforesaid notwithstanding.
    RESOLVED, That executions or other legal process upon all judgments had and obtained, or to be had
and obtained, on actions already commenced or to be commenced before the first day of December next
in Frederick county court, against any inhabitant of Washington or Montgomery county, be issued and
enforced in the same manner as if these resolves had not been made; which said writs shall be directed to
the sheriff of the said counties respectively, and the said sheriffs are hereby authorised and directed to serve
and return the same to Frederick county court, with the body or bodies of the person or persons, if taken,
against whom such writ or writs shall issue for that purpose; and during the attendance of the sheriff of
Washington or Montgomery county at Frederick county court, he shall have power to confine in Frederick
county gaol, if he shall think it necessary, such persons as he shall have in execution, but after his attendance
shall be dispensed with by the said court, he shall then, in a reasonable time, remove such persons
as he shall have in execution to his county gaol, there to be kept till legally discharged.
    That the public and county levy, now assessed or levied, or to be levied and assessed, by the justices of
Frederick county court, at their levy court for the present year, shall and may be collected and received
by the sheriff of Frederick county, as well of the inhabitants of Frederick as of Washington and Montgomery
counties aforesaid, and collected, accounted for and applied, in such manner as the said public and
county levy would have been collected, accounted for and applied, had these resolves never been made.
    RESOLVED, That the county court of Washington county shall begin and be held yearly on the fourth
Tuesdays of those months in which other county courts are held, and shall have equal power and jurisdiction
with any county court in this state.
    RESOLVED, That the county court of Montgomery county shall begin and be held yearly on the second
Tuesdays of those months in which other county courts are held, and shall have equal power and jurisdiction
with any county court in this state.
    Mr. Ridgely has leave of absence till Tuesday next.
                                            Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

                                                          S  A  T  U  R  D  A  Y,    September 7, 1776.

    CONVENTION met.  All members present as on yesterday, except Mr. Joseph Ennalls, Mr.
Ridgely.  The proceedings of yesterday were read.  Mr. Chamberlaine and Mr. Horsey appeared
in the house.
    Mr. Stevenson and Mr. T. Smyth have leave of absence till Tuesday next, and Mr. W. Ringgold till
Monday next.
                                           Convention adjourns till Tuesday 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

                                                              T  U  E  S  D  A  Y,    September 10, 1776.

    CONVENTION met.  All members present as on Saturday, except Mr. Parnham, Mr. J. Mackall,
Mr. Bowie, Mr. Hall, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. T. Ringgold, Mr. W. Ringgold, Mr. T. Smyth,
Mr. Gibson, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Mason.  The proceedings of Saturday were read.  Mr. John Hall
and Mr. Samuel Chase, delegates returned for Anne-Arundel county, appeared and took their seats in the
house.  Mr. D. Smith, Mr. Shepherd, and Mr. B. Mackall, appeared in the house.


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Hanson's Laws of Maryland 1763-1784
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