Mr. Thomas Sprigg Wootton, and Mr.
William Bayly, jun. delegates returned for the lower district
of Frederick county, appeared and took their seats in the house.
The committee of elections report to the convention,
That by the return from the lower district of
Frederick county, Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Jonathan Wilson, William Bayly,
jun. and Elisha Williams,
Esquires were duly elected for the said district, agreeable to the resolve
of the last convention.
Mr. Semmes has leave of absence for
a few days, Mr. Sheredine till Thursday next, Mr. Ridgely till
Tuesday next, and Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Shepherd till Monday next.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
S A T U R D A Y,
August 24, 1776.
CONVENTION met. All members present
as on yesterday, except Mr. Semmes, Mr. Sheredine,
Mr. Ridgely, Mr. Shepherd, and Mr. Stevenson. The proceedings of
yesterday were read.
Convention adjourns till Monday 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and from thence
till Tuesday 9 o'clock in
the morning.
T U E S D A Y, August
27, 1776.
CONVENTION met. All members present
as on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday were
read. Mr. Jonathan Wilson and Mr. Elisha Williams, delegates returned
for the lower district of
Frederick county, and Mr. Thomas Ringgold, a delegate returned for Kent
county, appeared and took
their seats in the house. Mr. Henry Wilson and Mr. Stevenson, appeared
in the house.
Mr. Plater brings in and delivers to Mr. President a
declaration and charter of rights, which was read,
and ordered to be printed for the consideration of the members.
Brice T. B. Worthington, Charles Carroll, barrister,
and Samuel Chase, Esquires, having informed
the convention, that they, having received instructions from their constituents,
enjoining them, in framing
of a government for this state, implicitly to adhere to points in their
opinion incompatible with good government,
and the public peace and happiness, were obliged, extremely against their
inclinations, to resign
their seats, and that they resigned accordingly. RESOLVED, That the
seats of the said Brice T. B. Worthington,
Charles Carroll, barrister, and Samuel Chase, Esquires, are vacated by
such resignation.
A petition from sundry free voters, of Anne-Arundel
county, praying that a new election of delegates
for said county might be ordered, was read. ORDERED, That the same
be taken into consideration on
Thursday next.
Mr. Parnham has leave of absence till Monday next.
ORDERED, That three persons be added to the committee
of elections; and Mr. Grahame, Mr. Fitzhugh,
and Mr. Paca, were elected by ballot to be of the said committee.
On motion, RESOLVED, That the depositions of captain
James Disney, lieutenant Samuel Godman,
lieutenant Joseph Burgess, and Mr. Thomas Harwood, relative to the late
election for Anne-Arundel
county, be taken before some magistrate as speedily as possible, after
due notice to Mr. Rezin Hammond
and some of the petitioners against the said election.
Mr. Dent has leave of absence for a few days.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
W E D N E S D A Y,
August 28, 1776.
CONVENTION met. All members present
as on yesterday, except Mr. Parnham. The proceedings
of yesterday were read. Mr. Ridgely and Mr. Shepherd appeared in
the house.
A petition from the inhabitants of the city of Annapolis,
to be reinstated in their former right of voting
for representatives for Anne-Arundel county, was read and ordered to lie
on the table.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
D I E M.
Convention met. Mr. William Ringgold
and Mr. Joseph Earle, delegates returned for Kent county,
appeared and took their seats in the house.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
T H U R S D A Y,
August 29, 1776.
CONVENTION met. All members present
as on yesterday, except Mr. Grahame. The proceedings
of yesterday were read.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the
petition against Anne-Arundel county election
being read, ORDERED, That the same be referred for consideration till Tuesday
Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Gibson, and Mr. Shriver, have leave
of absence for a few days.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
F R I D A Y, August 30,
CONVENTION met. All members present
as on yesterday, except Mr. Gibson, Mr. Shriver,
Mr. Fenwick, and Mr. Hammond. The proceedings of
yesterday were read. Mr. Sheredine,
Mr. Potter, Mr. Mason, and Mr. Semmes, appeared in the house. Mr.
Walter Bowie, Mr Benjamin