the same being, in the opinion of this convention, properly
to be modified, or taken away, on a material
alteration of the circumstances of those places, from
either a depopulation or a considerable decrease of the
inhabitants thereof.
That all freemen above twenty-one
years of age, being freeholders of not less than fifty acres of land,
or having visible property in this colony to the value
of 40l. sterling at the least, and no others, be admitted
to vote for representatives to serve in the said convention
for the said counties and districts, and the
town of Baltimore aforesaid; and that all freemen above
twenty-one years of age, owing a whole lot of
land in the said city of Annapolis, or having a visible
estate of 20l. sterling at the least, within this province,
or having served in five years to any trade within the
said city, and being a housekeeper, and no
others, be admitted to vote for representatives to serve
in the said convention for the said city, provided
such person shall have resided in the county, district,
city or town, where he shall offer to vote, one whole
year next preceding the election.
That all elections of the said representatives
be free, and that the same be made viva voce in the manner
heretofore used in this colony, without any regard to
any act of parliament or other qualifications than
before mentioned. And to prevent any violence or
force being used at the said elections, no person shall
come armed to any of them, and that no muster of the
militia be made on the day on which any of the
said elections shall be held, nor shall any battalion
or company of the militia, or any ten men thereof,
give in their votes immediately succeeding each other,
if any other voter who offers to vote objects thereto;
nor shall any soldiers in the pay of this province be
suffered to collect at the time and place of holding
any of the said elections, so as in any manner to impede
the freely and convenient carrying on such
RESOLVED, That no person holding a
commission or office in the regular forces of this province, shall,
during the time of his holding the same, be eligible
as a representative aforesaid; nor shall any person
who shall hereafter accept of any commission or office
in the land or sea service, or shall enlist in the regular
forces raised or to be raised for the continental service,
or the service of this or any other colony, be
eligible as a representative as aforesaid, or hold any
office or place in the civil department, or have a right
to vote at any election, during the time he shall hold
such commission or office in the military forces, or
being therein entitled as aforesaid.
That any person qualified as aforesaid
to vote, may be elected a member of the intended convention,
provided he be above 21 years of age, and shall
have resided in the colony one whole year preceding the
That no person who has been published
by any committee of observation, or the council of safety of
this colony, as an enemy to the liberties of America,
and has not been restored to the favour of his country,
shall be permitted to vote at the election of members
for the said convention.
That the intended elections for all
the said counties and districts, be made on Thursday the first day of
August next, but if any of them should not be finished
on that day, then the judges of such election may
adjourn the same from day to day, omitting Sunday if
necessary, till the same is finished. That the said
elections for all the said counties, except Frederick,
Charles and Cæcil, be held at the places of holding
the county courts of those countries respectively; that
the elections for the districts of Frederick county
be held at the places appointed for the elections of
representatives in the same districts respectively, by resolutions
of the convention of July last; that the election for
Charles county be held at the house of Bennett
Hanson Clements in said county; that the election for
Cæcil county be held at the head of Elk river;
and that the elections for Annapolis and Baltimore-town
be held on Monday the fifth day of August
next, at some convenient place in the said city or town,
and may be adjourned as the said other elections.
RESOLVED, That Abraham Barnes, Hugh
Hopewell, and Henry Tubman, Esquires, or any one or
two of them, be judge of and hold the election for St.
Mary's county.
That George Dent, Samuel Hanson, and
Warren Dent, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be judge
of and hold the election for Charles county.
That Charles Grahame, William Allnut,
and Daniel Rawlings, jun. Esquires, or any one or two of
them, be judge of them and hold the election for Calvert
That John Cooke, William Beans, and
Nathaniel Magruder, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election of Prince-George's county.
That John Weems, Thomas Watkins, and
Thomas Dorsey, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election for Anne-Arundel county.
That Noah Hart, Christian Orendorff,
and Ely Williams, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election for the upper district
of Frederick county.
That Christopher Edelen, William Luckett,
jun. and David Shriver, Esquires, or any one of two of
them, be judge of and hold the election for the middle
district of Frederick county.
That Jonathan Wilson, Zadok Magruder,
and William Luckett, sen. Esquires, or any one or two of
them, be judge of and hold the election for the lower
district of Frederick county.
That Andrew Buchanan, Thomas Gist,
and James Gittings, Esquires, or any one or two of them,
be judge of and hold the election for Baltimore county.
That Amos Garrett, Thomas Johnson,
and William Webb, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election for Harford county.
That Elisha Hall, sen. William Rumsey,
and Thomas Savin, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election for Cæcil county.
That John Page, William Bordley, and
William Rogers, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be
judge of and hold the election for Kent county.
That Thomas Ringgold, Jonathan Hall,
and Nathaniel Wright, Esquires, or any one or two of them,
be judge of and hold the election for Queen-Anne's county.
That John Goldsborough, Henry Banning,
and William Perry, Esquires, or any one or two of them,
be judge of and hold the election for Talbot county.
That Bartholomew Ennalls, Daniel Sulivane,
and Henry Hooper, Q. S. Esquires, or any one or two
of them, be judge of and hold the election for Dorchester
That Foster Goldsborough, Jeremiah
Colston, and John White, Esquires, or any one or two of them,
be judge of and hold the election for Caroline county.
That Thomas Hayward, Andrew Francis
Cheney, and Thomas Bruff, Esquires, or any one or two
of them, be judge of and hold the election for Somerset
That Benton Harris, John Selby, and
Thomas Martin, Esquires, or any one or two of them, be judge
of and hold the election for Worcester county.
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