Edward Batson (d. 1711) of Calvert County served as deputy surveyor in Calvert
and Anne Arundel Counties in the early 1690's. He was clerk of the Prerogative
Office in 1698-99, resigning to become clerk of the court in Charles County, an
office he held only briefly, In 1698 he was commissioned clerk to "The Governor
and Council in The Court of Appeals and writs of error held before them". In
1698-99 he was naval officer of Annapolis.
Josias Towgood (d. 1737) was commissioned a justice in Anne Arundel County
in 1702.
Stephen Blatchford (d. 1698), was a freeman of Saint Marys, a deputy clerk (clerk
assistant) of the Council (admitted 1694) and in May 1698 became a deputy clerk
of the Prerogative Office or deputy register.
Clerk of the Court
In August 1695 by order of the Governor and Council William Cooper was
appointed and constituted "Clerke of Prince Georges County, he Yeilding and pay-
ing unto the honorable Sir Thomas Laurence Baronet Secretary the full Tenth part
of the Profits and perquisits as other County Clerks doe pay and Satisfy and Reserv-
ing the Residue to his own proper use and behoofe as other County Clerks doe hold
and enjoy the same and that he fit himself with necessaries for his Office and prepare
his security against the time limitted and appointed by the Act of Assembly for the
said County to Commence." 30
Accordingly, the April 22, 1696 commission to the justices made reference to the
appointment of William Cooper as clerk and keeper of the records of Prince
Georges County. However, Cooper never entered upon his duties to any great ex-
tent. At the commencement of the August 1696 court he was ordered to provide
himself with a deputy since he was disabled by sickness from performing his office;
a few days later he was dead. Upon Cooper's death the sheriff was ordered by the
court to take into custody all the county records at Cooper's lodgings and turn them
over to Robert Bradley until a clerk be appointed by lawful authority. William
Bladen, clerk of the indictments, was then requested to recommend Joshua Cecil to
the governor as fit and capable for the position of clerk and keeper of the records. 31
At the September 1696 session the court ordered that its records be kept in a chest
at David Small's store and that Cecil, clerk by order of the justices, have access to
such records for county purposes, Cecil binding himself in the sum of £100 sterling
not to embezzle any part of such records. Later, at the same session Cecil presented
to the court a commission from the secretary of the province to be clerk of Prince
Georges County. Upon taking the usual oaths provided by act of Parliament and
the oath of a clerk, Cecil was admitted as clerk of Prince Georges County Court.
(Apparently the designations "clerk of Prince Georges County" and "clerk of Prince
Georges County Court" were used interchangeably.) 32
The first direction to the clerk appears at the November 1696 court when it was
ordered that "the Clerke of this Court Reads the minitts of the Court that he makes
to the Court as they are Entred." However, the records were apparently not kept up
to date, for at the March 1696/7 court the justices, in reply to a letter from Sir
Thomas Lawrence, secretary of the Province, asking them to cause the records to be
inspected to see if they were neglected, represented that by reason of the illness and
30. 20 id. 283. From St. Marys County, Cooper, in May 1695, had been chosen assistant
clerk of the Committee of Laws of the House of Delegates. 19 id. 174. He was also admitted
an attorney of the Provincial Court.
81. Infra 22, 38.
32. Infra 42-43, 63.