In August, 1695, it was ordered by the Governor and Council that:
The Commissioners of Saint Maries, Kent, Calvert and Talbot and Charles Counties
(being Counties by Act of Assembly lately divided) take speciall care to see all Business
in their Severall Courts depending fully compleated and ended in March Court next
to be held within their said Respective Counties; And that the appearances taken that
Court be by die Clerks of the said Counties (where taken) transmitted to be tryed within
the Jurisdiction of such Court as the parties defendants do actually live and Reside in
according to division of the same made and that after the said March Court all Writs
precepts and process issue out of the proper Courts lying within the limits and Jurisdic-
tion of the aforesaid late divided Counties and the New made County called Prince
Georges County, pursuant to division of the same by Act of Assembly made as afore-
said. 4
Pursuant to the above order a number of causes pending in the Calvert County
Court were later transmitted for trial in Prince Georges County; none appear to
have been transmitted from Charles County Court. 5
On March 3, 1695/6 Colonel John Addison, a member of the Council and
probably the most distinguished resident of the area designated to constitute the
new county, presented a list of military and civil officers for Prince Georges County,
including eight "Justices of the County", four being of the quorum. The Council
records show that:
The same was Approved off and Ordered that the persons therein named for Justices
of the said County be Commissionated accordingly, and that pursuant thereto a Com-
mission of the peace and for Tryall of Causes issue forth of the Secretaries Office, accord-
ing to the form of the other County Commissions, and that Mr. William Cooper be
therein constituted Clerk of the said Court, according to former Order of this Board,
and that Mr. Thomas Greenfield be Commissionated Sherriff of the said County, who
are all to Meet and sit to hold Court at Mount Calvert the 23th day of April next, being
the time directed for the Act to take place, and further that power be given in the
Dedimus for to administer the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken
instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, as well unto the severall Officers of
the said Court admitted, as to the Justices aforesaid and that they be all obliged to
subscribe to the Test.8
On April 22, 1696, Governor Nicholson issued a commission to Thomas Holli-
day and seven other justices or commissioners to hold the County Court for Prince
County of land grants made prior to the date of the establishment of the county, confirms the
drainage line hypothesis. All the grants designated as Charles County lands when made (approxi-
mately 215) are within the Potomac drainage area; all those designated as Calvert County lands
when made (approximately 280) are within the Patuxent drainage area. Berkley appears to take the
view that all the hundreds of Prince Georges County, except New Scotland, were originally
hundreds of Calvert County. Old Charles, Calvert, New Charles and Prince George's Counties,
29 MHM 237, 244 (1934). For a view consistent with that of Mathews see Keuthe, A Gazetteer
of Maryland, A. D. 1673, 30 MHM 310, 312 (1935). The position taken by Karinen (op. cit. supra)
is not clear. 54 MHM 402-03.
4. 20 MA 282-83. See also the order requiring a return from the commissioners of the several
county courts. 20 id. 330. On March 4, 1695/6 it was again ordered in Council "that the Justices
of the late divided Counties take Care (pursuant to former Order from this Board) that they omit
not to thoroughly finish all Business in their severall Courts depending, this present March
Court." 20 id. 396.
5. See subject matter index hereto sub Calvert County Court, causes transmitted from.
6. 20 MA 379-80. See also the opinion of the law officers that "for prevention of incon-
veniency and for the better administring of Justice, it would be requisite that the Commission
to all Officers Judiciall and Ministeriall should be made to take Effect at that time [April 23,
1696], in the new Erected County." 20 id. 380.