Ward, Murfy (Murphey) (Brooke v.), xcix, 453,
Wayford, William (Keniston v.), [1], 16, 37
478, 515, 543, 581-82
Wayford, William (Keniston v.), [2], 16, 37
Ward, Murfy (Murphe) v. Goffe, Bartholomew,
Wayford, William (Treacy, admr. of v.), 488, 545
344, 359, 363
Webb, Humphrey (Dehiniosa v.), 488, 515
Ward, Murfy, [Jr.], 260
Webster, Ann, 547
Ward, Murfy, [Sr.], 260
Webster, Thomas, 112, 155, 213, 278, 347, 542
Ward, Thomas, 162, 180, 212, 248
Webster, Thomas (Story v.), 177, 181, 245, 269
Warner, Francis, 111
Weeler, Charles, 58, 99
Warner (Warnar, Warmer), Francis (Tracey v.),
Weeler, Francis, 163
xc, 158, 167, 180, 209, 211, 227-29
Wells, John, 361, 362
Warner (Warmer), Thomas (Berry v.), 17, 37
Wells, John (His Majesty v.), 372, 390
Warren (Warring), Humphery, exec. of v. Athey,
Wells, Joseph, 10
George, 161, 177
Wells, Thomas, 278, 393, 456, 458, 489, 493, 518,
Warren, Ignatias (His Majesty v.), [1], 215
523, 542, 547, 548, 590
Warren, Ignatias (His Majesty v.), [2], 215
Wells, Thomas (Eldridge v.), 344, 358
Warren, Notly, exec. of v. Athey, George, 211
Wells, Thomas (His Majesty v.), [1], li, 15, 21, 22,
Warren, Notly, exec. Warren v. Athey, George,
161, 177
Wells, Thomas (His Majesty v.), [2], liii, 458, 463-
Warren, Samuell, xcvii
64, 497
Warren, Samuell (Charlett, admr. of v.), 246, 281,
Wells, William v. Davis, William, 516, 545, 549
288, 320, 343, 358, 370-71
Wellsted, Joshua, 418
Warren, Samuell (Fry, John v.), xcvii, 344, 349,
West, John (Carmalt v.), 158, 177
370, 377-78
West, Joseph, 113, 189, 204, 206, 348, 356, 395,
Warren, Samuell (Fry, Joseph v.), xcvii, 390
Warren, Samuell (Padgett v.), 392
West, Samuell, 614
Warren, Samuell v. Fry, Joseph, 431
West, [William], xxxii
Warren, Samuell v. Murphey, David, lixn, 372,
Western Branch (Patuxent River), 5, 35, 259, 350,
375, 514, 541, 547
Warren, Samuell (Williams v.), 359, 388, 402
Western Shore, xix«, xxii
Warren, Samuell (Willson, execs. of v.), 486
Westley, Samuell, 59
Warrington, Joseph (Hussey v.), 55, 108, 114, 176,
Westley, Samuell v. Paine, John, 56, 106
Westly, Samuell, 10
Warton, Thomas, 468
Westminster Hall, cxv
Waters, John, Iviirc, 42, 58
Westry, William, xc, 57, 197
Watkins (Wattkins), Samuel, 29, 30, 45, 73, 81,
Westry, William (Sprigg v.), 159
132, 133, 220
Westry, William (Stowe v.), 40, 47, 107
Watkins (Wattkins), Samuell v. Padgett, Thomas,
Westry, William (Tracey v.), xc, 20, 26, 50, 103-
331, 332
04, 281, 293
Watkinson, Cornelius v. Marsham, Richard, 163-
Westry, William v. Groome, William, 322, 324,
Watson (Wattson), William, 111, 155, 417, 589,
Westry, William v. Soaper, John, 19, 25, 50, 58,
Wattkins, John, 361, 393, 491, 493, 495
Westry, William v. Sprigg, Thomas, Sr., 19, 25,
Wattkinson, Cornelius, exec. of v. Willson,
50, 58, 93-94, 98, 106. See also William, William
Jonathan, 563, 564
v. Sprigg, Thomas, Sr.
Wattkinson (Wattkeson), Elizabeth, exec. Watt-
Wheat, John, xcv
kinson v. Willson, Jonathan, 563, 564
Wheat (Wheate), John (Gallahah v.), xcv, 486,
Watts, Daniell v. Barton, William, 372, 390
499, 529-31
Watts, Elizabeth ([His Majesty] v.), 518
Wheeler, Charles (Jackson and Co. v.), 546
Watts, James, 347, 389, 393, 395, 523, 547, 548
Wheeler (Weeler, Wheler), Charles (Johnson v.),
Watts, James ([His Majesty] v.), 518, 548
Watts, James v. Forrest, John, 12, 16
Wheeler (Weeler), Charles v. Mills, John, 108, 155
Watts, James v. Hurle, Daniell, 432, 476-77
Wheeler, Francis, 166,548
Watts, James v. Marsham, Richard, [1], lixre,
Wheeler (Weeler), Ignatias v. Winser, Jarvis,
176, 181, 211, 212, 243, 245
56, 108, 175
Watts, James v. Marsham, Richard, [2], 545, 549
Wheeler (Wheler), Thomas v. Sporne, Nicholas,
Wauters, Thomas (Green v.), 517, 524, 616
Wauters, Thomas (Mockeboy v.), 433, 455, 486,
Wheeler, William, 215
White, Guy, 234, 237, 240, 244
Wayford, alias Offord, William (Bray v.), 40, 49.
White (Wighte), Guy (Burgis v.), 110, 159, 179,
See also Bray, James v. Offord, William
181, 245, 271
Wayford (Waford), William (Brent, admrx. of v.),
White, Guy (Carletons v.), 372, 376, 429
cxii, 281, 292, 303-05, 321, 344, 545
White, Guy v. Burgis, George, 456