Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Jones, Hugh, 109,
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Jones, Hugh, 109,
128-29, 246
128-29, 246
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Phillmore, William,
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Phillmore,
11, 18, 26, 50, 107, 135-36, 159, 293
William, 11, 18, 26, 50, 107, 135-36, 159, 293
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Piles, Francis, 11, 16
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Piles, Francis, 11,
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Plumer, Thomas, 11,
13, 16,37,50, 107, 156
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Plumer, Thomas,
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Ryley, Hugh, 19, 32-
11, 13, 16, 37, 50, 107, 156
33, 515, 544
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Ryley, Hugh, 19,
Taney, Michaell, exec. of v. Small, David, 453,
32-33, 515, 544
466, 514, 543, 572
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Small, David,
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Smith, Jenkin, 17,
453, 466, 514, 543, 572
31-32, 40
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Smith, Jenkins,
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Veetch, James, admr.
17, 31-32,40
of, 12, 13, 37, 50, 87-88
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Veetch, Na-
Taney, Michael, exec. of v. Williams, Joseph, 11,
thaniel, admr. Veetch, 12, 13, 37, 50, 87-88
20, 40, 49
Taney, Thomas, exec, Taney v. Williams, Joseph,
Taney, Thomas, 59, 164, 213, 290, 560
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman
Taney, Thomas (Moore v.), [1], 343, 349, 370,
(Moore v.), 517, 524, 602-03
429, 485, 514, 542, 555-56
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
Taney, Thomas (Moore v.), [2], 517, 524, 601-02
Beall, Ninian, 181, 245, 275, 289, 320, 343,
Taney, Thomas v. Bigg,—, admr. of, 390, 431,
358, 370, 388, 429, 485, 514, 542, 616
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
Taney, Thomas v. Joyce, John, 154
Collier, Francis, 178, 184
Taney, Thomas v. Keniston, Thomas, admrx. of,
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
487, 507-08
Creycroft, Ignatias, 281, 282, 285, 293, 320,
Taney, Thomas v. Moore, James, 291, 295, 341
323, 343, 345, 349, 350, 355-57
Taney, Thomas v. Small, David, xcvi, 453, 466,
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
514, 543, 573-74
Davis, John, [1], xci, 178, 180, 181, 245, 275,
Tanyhill,— , 137
289, 320, 323, 345, 358
Tanyhill (Taneyhill, Tannyhill), William, xxiv,
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
xxvi, xxviii, 1, 4, 7, 15, 41, 53, 59, 63, 70, 72,
Davis, John, [2], 178, 181, 245, 275, 289, 310,
88, 93, 98, 112, 113, 129, 138, 141, 155, 180,
181, 183, 186, 188, 279, 519, 547, 614
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman
Tasker, Thomas, 46, 146, 549
v. Dunkin, John, 175
Tasker, Thomas, et al., and Co. v. Tracey, Charles,
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman, v.
admr. of, 389, 396, 442-43
Moore, James, [1], 291, 295, 341
Tattersell, Phillip, 356
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
Tattershell, Phillip, 60, 313
Moore, James, [2], 517, 524, 590, 594-96
Taylard, William, Ixxiirc
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
Taylor,— , 482
Orton, Thomas, xci, 178, 182, 243-44, 524, 525
Taylor, John (Cozens v.), 280, 285, 317, 321
Taney, Thomas and Jane, admrx. Trueman v.
Taylor, John (Hollyday v.), 178, 182, 192-93
Small, David, 453, 466, 514, 543, 605-07
Taylor, John (Paggen and Co. v.), 178, 182, 191-
Taney, Thomas and [Jane] (Moore v.), 517, 524,
92, 293, 321
Taylor, John (Winger v.), 56, 63, 111, 156
Taney, Thomas and [Jane] v. Brothers, — , exec. of,
Taylor, Laurance, 598
545, 549
Taylor, Nathaniell (Thompson v.), 456, 484
Taney, Thomas and [Jane] v. Brothers, Robert,
Taylor, Nathaniell (Willson, execs. of v.), 456,
454, 485
Taney, Thomas and [Jane] v. Mockeboy,
Matthew, 545, 549
Taylor, Richard, 283, 540
Taylor, Richard (Beall v.), 392, 431, 487, 508,
Taney, Thomas and Jane v. Moore, James, [1],
291, 295, 341-42
515, 592
Taylor, Samuell, 613, 615
Taney (Tany), Thomas and Jane v. Moore,
Taylor (Tyler, Tylor), Vins v. Cozens, John, Ixxi,
163, 180, 208
James, [2], 516, 524, 590, 592-93
Taney, Thomas and Jane v. Tracey, Charles,
Teague (Teage), Thomas, et al. (Furguson v.), 26.
See also Teague, Thomas, et al. v. Thompson,
admr. of, 453, 514, 543, 607
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Beven, Charles,
Teague (Teage), Thomas, et al. (Thompson v.),
17, 26, 31
Taney, Thomas, exec. Taney v. Ellis, Christopher,
Teague, Thomas, et al. v. Thompson, Christopher,
11, 13, 16,37,49,51
50, 58, 92, 107, 111, 130, 138-39, 140, 154, 155.