Robertson, Robert (Carletons v.), 373, 377, 404-
Round, William v. Cash, John, 454, 480-81
Round (Rounds, Rownd), William v. Gaskin,
Robertson, Robert (Groome v.), 433, 436, 451,
William, 454, 479-80
473, 517
Round, William v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 454, 485
Robertson, Robert (Meriton v.), 455, 466, 515
Round, William v. Willson, Jonathan, execs. of,
Robertson, Robert (Williams, admr. of v.), 110,
[1], 374, 377, 410
Round, William v. Willson, Jonathan, execs. of
Robeson (Robertson), Gilbert, and uxor v. Murth,
[2], 390, 396, 485, 514, 542-43, 563-65
John, 17, 37
Rounds, James, 479
Robeson (Robertson), Gilbert v. Murth, John, 40,
Rounds, James v. Anderson, Robert, 418-19. See
54, 107, 156
also Round (Rownd), William v. Anderson,
Robeson, [Mrs. Gilbert], 17, 37
Robeson, Robert (Willson v.), 55
Rounds, James v. Groome, William, 322, 343
Robinson (Robeson), Andrew v. Baker, Charles,
Rousby, Christopher, ix
54, 107, 108, 176. See also Bobeson, Andrew v.
Rowland, Grace. See entries under Thompson,
Baker, Charles
Christopher and Grace, admrx. Rowland;
Robinson, Andrew v. Marsh, Gillbert, 517, 543-44
Thompson, Grace
Robinson, Andrew v. Shaw, John, 517
Rowland, Lawrence, 61, 452, 609
Robinson, Andrew v. Shippwash, Ambross, 321,
Rowland (Rowlands), Lawrence, admrx. of
(Charlett, admr. of v.), [1], 179, 210
Robinson (Robenson), John, 374, 394, 400, 416.
Rowland (Rowlands), Lawrence, admrx. of
See also Roenson, John
(Charlett, admr. of v.), [2], 281, 285, 288, 320,
Robinson (Robeson), John (His Majesty v.), liii,
343, 358, 370, 388, 398-99
458, 485, 489, 496-97
Rowland, Lawrence, admrx. of (Gittings v.), 246,
Robinson, Robert, 401. See also Robertson, Robert
Robinson (Robertson), Robert (His Majesty v.),
Rowland, Lawrence, admrx. of v. Farmer, Wil-
Hi, 21, 25
liam, 322, 343
Robinson, Robert (Larkin v.), 293, 294, 301
Royston, Richard, exec. of (His Majesty v.), 215
Robinson, Robert v. Pyburne, William, 516, 543
Royston (Ruston), William (Ennis v.), 178, 193
Robison, Robert, 10
Russell, Laurance, 389, 497
Roenson, John, 401. See also Robinson, John
Russell, Laurance (His Majesty v.), [1], liii, 458,
Rodeman, James (Redman v.), 18
Rodeman, John v. Rodman, James alias Luller,
Russell, Laurance (His Majesty v.), [2], 518, 548
Russell, Laurence v. Rothery, William, 322, 344
Rodman, James, alias Luller (Rodeman v.), 37
Ruston, William. See Royston (Ruston), William
Rogers, Sir John, xx
(Ennis v.)
Rome, See of, xxiv
Ryley (Reyley, Riley), Hugh, xci, 34, 57, 74, 76,
Rooke, John, 250
78, 80, 94, 101, 105, 106, 130, 155, 166, 168, 169,
Rooke (Rook), John (His Majesty v.), [1], Ivi,
174, 189, 204, 206, 224, 234, 237, 240, 242, 244,
Ivin, 435, 458, 485, 488, 489, 518, 523, 539, 541
248, 258, 362, 363, 491
Rooke, John (His Majesty v.), [2], lii-liii, 458, 489
Ryley (Reyley), Hugh and Mary, admrx. Falkner
Rooke, John (His Majesty v.), [3], liii, 458, 489
(Greenfeild, admr. Charlett v.), 359, 363, 388,
Rooke, John v. Moore, James, 108, 114, 176, 181,
209, 212, 223-24, 227
Ryley, Hugh (Beall v.), cxi, 160, 162, 167, 180,
Rooke, John (Willson, execs. of v.), 516, 600-01
209, 212, 245, 248, 259, 260-61
Ross, Alexander, 59
Ryley (Ruley), Hugh (Brock v.), 19, 38, 55
Rothery, William, 189, 204, 206
Ryley (Reyley, Reyly), Hugh (Colliar v.), 372,
Rothery, William (Busey v.), 179, 181, 211, 243,
376, 429, 467, 488, 490, 513
Ryley, Hugh (Day v.), Ixxi, Ixxii, 21 1, 233
Rothery, William (Cole v.), 281, 289, 320
Ryley (Reiley), Hugh (Dent v.), 546, 610-1 1
Rothery, William (Deakins v.), 372, 390
Ryley, Hugh (Harrwood v.), civ-cv, 110, 124-25,
Rothery (Rothry), William (Edlin v.), 157, 166,
Ryley (Reyley), Hugh (Hills v.), 372, 429
Rothery, William (Russell v.), 322, 344, 359
Ryley (Riley), Hugh (His Majesty v.), lix, Ixxv-
Rought, ? , admr. of (Killow v.), 57
Ixxvi, 247, 255, 256-57, 285
Rought, William, 182
Ryley (Reyley), Hugh (Meriton v.), 455, 466,
Round, William, and Co., 565
489, 514, 518, 542, 543, 579-80
Round, William, and Co. v. Willson, Jonathan,
Ryley, Hugh (Plater v.), xcii, 16, 37, 49, 81-82
execs. of, 374, 377, 429, 485, 514, 542, 561-63
Ryley (Reyley), Hugh (Taney, exec. of v.), 19,
Round (Rownd), William v. Anderson, Robert,
32-33, 515, 544
391, 418. See also Rounds, James v. Anderson,
Ryley (Riley), Hugh v. Sawell, Nicholas, cxiii,
280, 285, 303, 318-19