et al., execs, Willson v. Hill, William and Sarah,
Cezar (Negro) (His Majesty v.), 161
admrx. Willson
Chaffee (Chaffie), — , admr. of (Abington, admr.
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Joyce,
of v.), 488, 499, 544
John, 486, 500-02
Chaffee, — , admr. of (Charlett, admr. of v.) 545,
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Joyce,
John, admrx. of, 546, 608-09
Chaffee (Chafee, Chaff), Richard, admr. of
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson, v. Lennam,
(Jackson and Co. v.), 488, 499, 543, 590-92
John, 487, 510-11
Chaffy (Chaff ey), Richard, 9, 15
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Mills, John,
Chapman (Ghappman), John, 12, 60, 393, 482,
487, 505
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Mockeboy,
Chapman, John (Bridges v.), 12, 13, 37, 50, 88-90,
Matthew, 486, 499, 531-32, 543
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Rooke,
Chapman, John (Brock v.), 178, 181, 245
John, 516, 600-01
Chapman (Chappman), John, exec. Williams v.
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Sedgewick,
Hill, John and Mary, 488, 499, 517, 543, 588-
Elisha, exec. Brothers, 524, 597-99
89, 590
Cecell (Cecil), Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v.
Chapman, John (Harryson v.), 40, 47, 104-05,
Taylor, Nathaniell, 456, 482-83
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Wallker,
Chapman, John (Hillory v.), 178, 181, 245
Charles, 546, 611
Chapman (Chappman), John (His Majesty v.),
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Williams,
[1], 458, 489, 493, 523
Isaac, 486, 499, 543, 585-87, 590
Chapman, John (His Majesty v.), [2], 458, 484
Cecell, Joshua, et al., execs. Willson v. Winger,
Chapman (Chappman), John (Ivey et al. v.), 453,
Joseph, 486, 503-04
466, 514, 543, 572-73
Cecell, Joshua v. Beall, Charles, 516, 540
Chapman (Chappman), John (Jackson and Co.
Cecell, Joshua v. Beall, Ninian, 391, 417-18, 456,
v.), [1], 391, 396, 469-70
488, 510
Chapman (Chappman), John (Jackson and Co
Cecell, Joshua v. Boulton, John, 516, 524, 616
v.), [2], 391, 396, 485, 514, 542, 545, 560-61
Cecell, Joshua v. Brothers, — ,exec, of, 516, 543
Chapman, John (Joyce v.), 157, 166, 209, 212,
Cecell, Joshua v. Burnam, Matthew, 40, 54, 67-
245, 274
68, 179, 292, 297-98
Chapman (Chappman), John (Meriton v.), 466,
Cecell, Joshua v. Catterton, James, 293, 305-06,
321, 329
Chapman, John v. Hillory, Thomas, 157, 177,
Cecell, Joshua v. Dreyden, Henry, 372, 390
181, 245
Cecell, Joshua v. Edmonson, Archibald, 516
Chapman, John v. Joyce, John, [1], 19, 25, 50,
Cecell, Joshua v. Furguson, Hugh, 433, 488, 499,
58, 106
511, 543, 616
Chapman, John v. Joyce, John, [2], 19, 25, 50,
Cecell, Joshua v. Forrest, John, admr. of, [1],
344, 353, 374, 390
Chapman (Chappman), John (Wallker v.), 454,
Cecell, Joshua v. Forrest, John, admr. of, [2],
466, 489, 514, 517, 527-28, 546
345, 354-55, 374, 387-88
Chappie, Allexander (Deakins v.), 322, 330, 373,
Cecell, Joshua v. Green, John, 545, 549
390, 431
Cecell, Joshua v. Groome, William, 488, 509-10
Chappie, Allexander v. Deakins, John, cv, 178,
Cecell, Joshua v. Hulse, Richard, 56, 179, 181,
181, 212, 233-34, 243, 275, 289, 309-10
245, 271-72
Chappie, Allexander v. Moore, Richard, 20, 38
Cecell, Joshua v. Jones, William, 392, 432, 455,
Chappie, Allexander v. Simmons, Thomas, 20, 37
487, 510
Charles II, ix
Cecell, Joshua v. Lewis, Matthew, 157
Charles County, ix, xv, xvn, xvi, xvin, xx, xxi,
Cecell, Joshua v. Moore, James, 546, 549
xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvii, xln, lxv,
Cecell (Cecill), Joshua v. Murth, John, 11, 16, 63,
lxxivrc, lxxvn, lxxvii, lxxviiiw, lxxxiii, lxxxiv,
lxxxivn, lxxxv, lxxxvn, lxxxixn, xciii, xcvii,
Cecell, Joshua v. Orton, Thomas, 545
xcviii, 4, 14, 75, 136, 201, 202, 259, 276, 290,
Cecell, Joshua v. Pallmer, Thomas, 433
291, 296, 334, 364, 490, 533, 557, 559, 562, 564,
Cecell, Joshua v. Stevens, Richard, 303, 391, 487,
Charles Town, xvii, xxiii, xxxv, lii, liii, lxxv,
Cecell, Joshua v. Vaughun, Thomas, 391, 428-29
lxxxviii, 4, 5, 6, 8, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 35, 36, 38,
Cecell, Joshua v. Winkling, Andrew, 487, 499,
41, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 59, 75, 76, 79, 82, 83,
85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 95, 99, 102, 103, 105, 112,
Cecell, Mary, 348
116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 124, 130, 131, 135,
Cecil County, xx, xxxii
136, 137, 138, 144, 146, 147, 148, 150, 162, 163,
Gentry, Stephen. See Sentry (Gentry, Senter),
168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 181, 182, 190, 191,
Stephen (Stevens v.)
192, 194, 196, 200, 203, 205, 206, 209, 212, 216,
Cezar (Negro), 130
218, 220, 222, 223, 226, 228, 230, 232, 238, 240,