Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by the Court being seen and under-
stood it is Considered that the Said George Frankling, John Simpson and Henry
Merson bee Comitted into the Custody of the Sherriffe and it is Commanded the
Sheriffe that hee putt the Said George Frankling, John Simpson, Henry Merson
into the Pillory for one full hour for the offence Comitted against his Majesty
and it is further ordered that they the Said George Frankling, John Simpson and
Henry Merson pay unto Charles Beusey four Hundred and Eighty pounds of
Tobacco it being three fifthes of the four fold allowed him by the Court accord-
ing to Law and the Said George Frankling, John Simpson and Henry Merson to
Continue in Safe Custody of the Sheriff till they Paid all Fees due to the Officers
of this Court.
John Henry Desiers his Mark to be recorded (Viz.) a crapp and 3 Slitts on the
Right, on the left a Slitt down and the fore half cut off Sqear and under that
Squear a nick.
[426] His Majesty v. Thomas Spore and John Rease
Be it remembred that the Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King for the body
of Prince Georges County upon their Oathes did present Thomas Spore and John
Rease Saylors for that the Said Thomas Spore and John Rease the Second day
of June in the Year of our Lord 1699 att Lyons Creeke Hundred that is to Say
att Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and armes etc.
one black and white bull Calfe to the Value of three Hundred pounds of Tobacco
and one black and White Cow Calfe to the Value of three Hundred pounds of
Tobacco the Propper goods and Chatties of one Charles Beusey then and there
found Feloniously did Kill Steal take and Carry away Contrary to an act of
assembly in that case made and Provided etc. Joshua Cecell Clerke Indict-
On the back of the foresaid Indictment was Endorsed Billa Vera.
And now here att this day (To witt) the 27th day of June Annoque Domini
1699 the Same Court before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord the King att
Charles Towne aforesaid came the Said Thomas Spore and John Rease in
Custody of the Sheriff of Prince Georges County and being brought to Barr in
their Propper persons presently it is Demanded of the Said Thomas Spore and
John Rease how they would acquitt themselves of the Premisses above imposed
upon them.
And the Said Thomas Spore and John Rease Cometh and defendeth the force
and Injury when etc. and confessed the Fact (to witt) That they ware Guilty
of the Premisses in Stealeing the two Calves as in the Indictment above is Speaci-
fyed and Humbly Submitted themselves to the Court. Whereupon all and Sing-
ular the Premisses by the Court being Seen and under Stood it is Considered that
the Said Thomas Spore and John Rease be Committed into the Custody of the
Shreiffe and it is commanded the Sheriffe that hee have them the Said Thomas
Spore and John Rease to the Whipping Poast there to Receive twenty Lashes well
layd on Each of them and further it is ordered that the Said Thomas Spore and
John Rease pay unto Charles Beusey three hundred and twenty pounds of
Tobacco it being two fifth parts of the four fold alowed him by the Court as the
Law in that case is made and Provided and to remaine in Safe Custody of the
Sheriffe till they Paid all Fees due to the officers of this Court.