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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 422   View pdf image (33K)
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Said John Deakins afterwards the 15th day of August 1698 att Charles Towne
aforesaid was often thereunto requested but the same to pay to the Said John
Deakins hath hitherto denyed to pay and Still doth denye to the Damage of the
Said John Deakins of 750 pounds of Tobacco and thereof hee brings his Suite.
Pledges etc. John Doe, Richard Roe. Joshua Cecell.
John Davis Debtor to John Davis

[Deakins] Jan. the 10 1697 [1698]. per Contra Creditor
To makeing 2 Coffins 200, to By 3 dayes atteendance be-
makeing a ware 200 ........ 400 tween me and Brightwell ... 090

To one Dayes attendance be- By Tobacco received over in
tween you and Garrett ..... 030 a Hogshead of Tobacco .... 012

To one paile ................ 060 ——

490 Ballance due ...... 388


The Plantiff by Joshua Cecell his attorney haveing Caused a Coppy of the
Declaration by the Sheriff delivered to the Defendant att the time of Serving the
writt upon the Seid Defendant which was Eight dayes before the Court where-
upon the Said Plantiff prayeth that the Said Defendant to his Declaration this
Court may answer according to an act of assembly in that Case made and
Provided etc.

Whereupon the Said John Davis in his proper person cometh and Defendeth
the force and Injury when etc. and saith that he cannot gainesay the action of
the Said John Deakins nor but the three Hundred Eighty Eight Pounds of
Tobacco is Due and oweing to the Said John Deakins in manner and forme as
the Said John Deakins against him hath Declared.

[375] Therefore it is Considered that the Said John Deakins recover against
the Said John Davis the Sume of three hundred Eighty Eight pounds of Tobacco
his Debt aforesaid and his Damages by Occation of deteineing the Said Debt to
too hundred and forty pounds of Tobacco to the Said John Deakins of his assent
by the Court here adjudged and the Said John Davis in Mercy.

Jackson and Company Plantiff: Thomas Vaughun Defendant
Thomas Vaughun Late of Prince Georges County Planter otherwise Called
Thomas Vahan of Prince Georges County was Sumoned to answer unto Joseph
Jackson and Company Merchants of London of a Plea that he render unto them
the full Sume of one Thousand one hundred and Sixtythree pounds of good
Large and Bright Leafe Tobacco and Caske to Conteine the Same which to them
he oweth and from them Unjustly deteineth, etc.

And whereupon the Said Joseph and Company by Joshua Cecell their At-
torney Saith that whereas the Said Thomas the fifth day of October in the year
of our Lord 1698 att Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court by
his Certaine bill Obligatory which the Said Joseph and Company with the Seal
of the Said Thomas Signed bringeth here into Court the Date whereof is the
Day and year aforesaid did acknowledge himselfe to owe and Stand Justly
indebted unto the Said Joseph and Company Merchants of London in the Full
Sume of one thousand one hundred Sixty and three pounds of good Large and
bright Leafe Tobacco and Caske to Conteine the Same to be paid to the Said
Joseph Jackson and Company their heires Executors administrators or assignes
or their Lawfull Attorney att or upon the tenth day of October next after the


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 422   View pdf image (33K)
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