Pledges etc. John Doe, Richard Roe. Joshua Cecell
Robert Anderson Debtor to Joseph Jackson and Company Oct. the 30th 1697.
To one pair of boyes Grey hose 16, to 1 pair womans Ditto No. 9 20 ........ 36
To 1/2 bushell of bay Salt 40, to 5 yards 3/4 of Duffeilds at 40 per yard 230 .. 270
The above account provd in open Court per David Small.
The Plantiffs by Joshua Cecell their attorney haveing Caused a Coppy of the
Declaration to be Delivered to the Deffendant att the time of Serveing the writt
upon the Said Deffendant which was Eight dayes before this Court whereupon
the Said Plantiffs Prayeth that the Said Defendant to his Declaration aforesaid
may answer according to an act of assembly in that Case made and provided.
Whereupon the Said Robert Anderson in his Proper person cometh and
Deffendeth the Force and Injury when etc. and Sath that he cannot gainesay
the Action of the Said Joseph and Company nor but that the three Hundred
and Six pounds of Tobacco is Due and oweing to the Said Joseph and Company
in manner and forme as the Said Joseph Jackson and Company against him
hath declared Therefore it is Considered that the Said Joseph Jackson and
Company recover against the Said Robert Anderson the Sume of three hundred
and Six pounds of Tobacco his Debt aforesaid and his Damages by occation of
Deteineing the Said Debt to two hundred Sixty four pounds of tobacco to the
Said Joseph Jackson and Company of their assent by the Court here adjudged
and the Said Robert Anderson in Mercy.
Charles Treacys Administrator Plantiff: Robert Anderson Deffendant
Robert Anderson Late of Prince Georges County Planter was Atteached to
answer unto David Small Administrator of the Goods Chatties and Creditts of
Charles Treacy Deceased of a Plea of Tresspass upon the Case etc.
And whereupon the Said David by Joshua Cecell his Attorney compleineth
that whereas the Said Robert in the lifetime of the Said Charles that is to Say
the tenth day of March in the year of our Lord 1696 [1697] att Charles Towne
within the Jurisdiction of this Court Stood indebted unto the Said Charles
in the Sume of two Hundred ninety five pounds of Tobacco being for Severall
Licquors ordinary Expences by the Said Charles in his Life time Sold and De-
livered to the Said Robert as by a Perticular account thereof here in Court
Produced may more att Large appear and the Said Robert to the Said Charles
in his Lifetime aforesaid in manner afforesaid being indebted in Consideration
thereof did assume upon him selfe and to the Said Charles then and there
faithfully promise that he the Said Robert the Said Sume of two hundred
ninety five lbs. of Tobacco unto the Said Charles when hee Should bee after-
wards thereunto requested would well and truly Content and pay Nevertheless
the Said Robert his Promise and assumption aforesaid not regarding but mind-
ing and fraudulently intending him the Said Charles in his Lifetime Craftily
and Subtilly to deceive and Defraud the Said Sume of 295 lbs. of Tobacco or
any part thereof to the Said Charles in his life time or to the Said David Since
the Death of the Said Charles to whom administration of all and Singular the
Goods Chatties and Credditts of the Said Charles Since his Deacease was leagally
Committed hath not paid allthough the Said Robert to doe the Same by the
Said Charles in his Life time [374] Aftarwards the day and Place aforesaid
and by the Said David Since the Death of the Said Charles that is to Say the
10th day of August 1698 att Charles Towne aforesaid was often therunto Re-