The Plantives by Joshua Cecell their Attorney haveing Caused a Coppy of
the Declaration and the Coppy of the account by the Sherife Delivered to the
Defendant at the time of Serving the writt upon the Said Defendant which was
Eight Dayes before this Court whereupon the Sayd Plantives prayeth that the
Said Defendant to their Declaration this Court may answer according to an act
of assembly in that case made and Provided etc.
Whereupon the Said Hugh Jones in his Proper Person cometh and Defendeth
the force and Injury when etc. and Saith that he cannot gainesay the action of
the Said Edward and Dudley nor but the five Hundred and three pounds of
Tobacco is Due and oweing to the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton in manner
and forme as the Said Edward and Dudley against him hath Declared.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton recover
against the Said Hugh Jones the Sume of five Hundred and three pounds of
Tobacco his Debt aforesaid and their Damages by Occation of Deteineing the
Said Debt to two hundred fifety Six pounds of Tobacco to the Said Edward
and Dudley of their assent by the Court here adjudged and the Said Hugh Jones
in Mercy.
[351] Edward and Dudley Carleton Plantiffe: Marine Devall Defendant
The Plantives by Joshua Cecell their Attorney brought his Majestys writt of
Capias against the Defendant in a plea of Debt for Sixteen Hundred Seventy
Eight pounds of Tobacco Due by Bill as by Declaration filed appeareth etc.
The Defendant in his propper person came into Court and saith that he can-
not gainesay the Debt aforesaid nor but that he oweth Edward and Dudley
Carlton the Said Sume of Sixteen Hundred Seventy Eight pounds of Tobacco
in manner and forme aforesaid etc.
Therefore it is considered that the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton recover
against the Said Marine Devall the sume of Sixteen Hundred Seventy Eight
pounds of Tobacco his Debt aforesaid and Their Damages by occation of De-
teineing the Said Debt to Two Hundred thirty two pounds of Tobacco To the
Said Edward and Dudley Carlton of their Assent by the Court hear adjudged
and the Said Marine Devall in mercy.
Wollfron Hunt plantiffe: William Prather Defendant
The plantiffe by Joshua Cecell his Attorney brought his Majestyes writt of
Capias against the Defendant in a plea of Debt for Twelve Hundred pounds
of Tobacco Due by Bill as by Declaration filed appeareth etc. The Defendant
in his Propper person came into Court and Saith that he cannot gainesay the
Debt afforesaid nor but that he oweth Wollfron Hunt the Said Sume of Twelve
hundred pounds of Tobacco in manner and forme afforesaid etc.
Therefore it is considered that the Said Wollfron Hunt recover against the
Said William Prather the Sume of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco his
Debt aforesaid and his Damages by occation of deteineing the Said Debt to two
hundred thirty two pounds of Tobacco to the Said Wollfron Hunt of his Assent
by the Court and the Said William Prather in Mercy.
John Cobb Plaintiff e: Coatney Crotoff Deffendant
Command was given to the Sheriff of Prince Georges County that of the Goods
Chatties and Credditts of Croatney Croathoff he atteach in the hand or hands of
any Person or persons in this County as Well the Sume of one thousand one