This is to Lett the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury to Understand that there is a
Single woman Living with Francis Mabbery and named Elizabeth Feeld has had a
Child in Pescattaway hundred. (Wee of the Jury find this Presentable) was
I doe Present a woman Servant of Mr. Robert Bradlys for haveing a basterd
Child. Endorsed on the Said bill) Wee of the Grand Jury find her Presentable.
Then was the Grand Jury Allowed four hundred lbs. of tobaccoe at Charles
[298] To the Worshipfull Justices of Prince Georges County Court Now in
Court Sitting the humble petition of Jane Browne.
Humbly Sheweth: That whereas your Worships poore Petittioner hath hereto-
fore bin a Servant to one Christopher Thompson and by the Said Thompson
Absolutely Freed and discharged from all Servis or Servises whatsoever due to him
the Said Thompson as your petitioner Cann Evidently make Appeare Notwith-
standing the Said Thompson hath Since and Still Doth Claime your poore peti-
tioner as his Servant Contrary to Law and Justice therefore your Petitioner
humbly prayes your worships to take the premises into your Serious Considera-
tions and to doe therein as your worships Shall Seeme meete etc.
And your petitioner as in Duty bound Shall Ever Pray.
The petitioner and Josias Towgood made Oath against Christopher Thompson
in the premises above.
The above petition by the Court here is Allowed off And Likewise it is
Adjudged by the Court here that the Said Jane Browne is a Free woman etc.
Col. Hollyday these few Lines are to Acquaint your Honor that I am in good
health and I am getting downe the Frame as fast as possible wee Cann but I have
had a verry Sick family which hath been a great Hinderance to me but next week
with Gods Leave you may Expect me over no more Att Present but your Loveing
Freind to Serve you. Robert Brothers.
Upon which it is ordered by this Court that if the Said Robert Brothers doth
not bring over the Frame of the Court house to Charles Towne by the 15th day of
Aprill next that then Col. Hollyday doth procecute the Law against the Said
Robert Brothers upon the breach of Covenants for not performing his Contract
Conserning the building the Court house at Charles Towne According to Articles
of Agreement made between the Said Col. Hollyday and the Said Robert Brothers
and that the Justices here present will Stand Abide and Assist the Said Col.
Hollyday in the procecution of the Same etc.
Mr. William Hatton desiers an Orphant Child Left to his Care by the parents
thereof being Seven yeare old in December Last named Edward Stevens may be
bound to him According to the Custome of this Court. Whereupon by the Court
here the Said Edward Stevens is bound unto the Said Mr. William Hatton untill
he Arrives to twenty one years of Age to Said Hatton to doe his Endeavor to
Learne the Said Child to Reade and write and at the Expiration of his time to
give him two Suites Cloaths the one Keirsey the other Serge with two of a Sort
of all other necessary Apparrell etc.
May it please your Worships Major Ninian Beall has Informed me that he has
a Suite depending in your Court I have Severall papers Relateing to that but