and at that time, an exceedingly angry excitement prevailed against
the Chancellor, who had been appointed no longer than the month
of August previous. When or how that excitement originated, or
of its authors, or causes, there can be no occasion here to take any
notice whatever. For, in the consideration of great constitutional
principles, it is proper, that we should, as far as practicable, put
aside all personal animosities, jealousies, and griefs, and confine
ourselves to the examination of the manner in which the case
illustrates the bearing of those great principles. It is therefore
only of importance, that it should be here recollected, as a matter
of history, that such an excitement did then prevail, and was then
in active operation, when Thompson, by his petition, complained to
the Senate, that the Chancellor's order of the 12th of February
1825 was unjust, and prayed, that some provision should be made
for allowing him the benefit of an appeal. It is in these respects
only, that the two cases have a connexion and association with
each other; and that the facts and circumstances of each should
be recollected and taken together for the purpose of enabling the
citizen to form a correct estimate of the value of those provisions
of our constitution which declare, "that the legislative, executive,
and judicial powers of government, ought to be for ever separate
and distinct from each other," and " that the independency and
uprightness of judges are essential to the impartial administration
of justice, and a great security to the rights and liberties of the
The Memorial of THEODORICK BLAND, Chancellor of Maryland
respectfully represents,
That at the last session of the General Assembly of Maryland,
the House of Delegates asserted the right to reduce the salary of
the Chancellor, either by a direct enactment, repealing all laws
passed since the year 1785, which had made provision for its pay-
ment; or by refusing to continue the appropriation that had been
made, from time to time, for that purpose during the last six
and twenty years. This assertion of right, on the part of the
House of Delegates, was opposed by the Senate, on the ground,
that when the present Chancellor came into office, his salary having
been ascertained by law, and secured to him, by the Declaration
of Rights, during the continuance of his commission, the legislature