was entered into; was he of expensive habits; or do you suppose
he saved part of his salary ?
Answer. That he understood from Mr. Henderson, that he was
mt the mill as agent for General Lingan several years, but how long
this deponent does not .know; that Mr. Henderson was very frugal
in his dress, and in all respects a very frugal prudent man; that
this deponent has understood, that his salary while at the mill was
at least one hundred pounds per year.
3d Cross Interr. Were you acquainted with the terms of the
purchase of the land ?
Answer. That he was not present when the contract for the land
was made; that he acquired his knowledge of the purchase of the
land from both Mr. Henderson and General Lingan; that Mr. Hen-
derson told this deponent he had given General Lingan a memo-
randum of the purchase of the land, which this deponent under-
stood was the paper marked A before referred to; and that Mr.
Henderson and General Lingan both told this deponent they had
done their business very loosely; that they had great confidence in
each other; that the deponent understood from Mr. Henderson^
that General Lingan had given him a deed for the property, and
this memorandum was the only paper he had given as evidence of
the purchase.
4th Cross Interr. Do you know how General Lingan came to
make a deed, and have dower relinquished; is it not usual in
Maryland to give bonds of conveyance when land is sold on
credit ?
Answer. That he did hear some reason given for making the
deed, but he can't say now what that reason was; it was, this
deponent understood, to answer some good purpose to Mr. Hen-
derson; it is usual to give bonds of conveyance where land is sold
in Maryland on credit.
5th Cross Interr. Have you any knowledge of General Lingan's
drawing supplies for his family provisions, his hay and feed for his
horses from the mill and farm during the eight years of the partner-
ship, from 1798 to 1807 ?
Answer. That General Lingan drew hay, whiskey, flour, poul-
try, and perhaps other things that he wanted, from the mill and
farm during the partnership; that this deponent does not know how
long the partnership continued; that wheat was purchased at the
mill; and that this deponent has been told by Mr. Henderson, that
General Lingan furnished funds to pay for it.