thirty-seven dollars, together with costs of suit. It is also further
agreed, that in the two last of the above causes, decrees shall pass,
giving the complainant dower in the following tracts, pieces or
parcels of land, to wit, one lot on Jones' Falls; one lot called the
Garden, and one other lot adjoining the same, (the said three lots
or parcels of land being the same now advertised to be sold on the
7th of August next, by the trustees for the sale of the real estate
of Samuel Chase, deceased;) also in a lot of ground situated on
the west side of Jones' Falls, conveyed by the said Samuel Chase,
deceased, to William Camp, sometime in the month of April, A. D.
1811; also in two lots between Water and Pratt streets, in the city
of Baltimore, conveyed by the said Samuel Chase, deceased, to a
certain John Gross, and by the said Gross afterwards conveyed to
Andrew Myer; also in a certain lot or parcel of ground, advertised
by the said trustees as aforesaid, situate on Whetstone Point:
provided it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Chancellor, by
the exhibition of title papers, or otherwise as he may order, that
the said Hannah K. Chase hath a right to dower in the same.
And it is further agreed, that a compensation in money shall be
paid to the complainant by the defendants, for and in lieu of her
dower in the property above mentioned; and that such compen-
sation shall be fixed by the Chancellor, upon evidence offered to
him of the value of the said respective pieces or parcels of land
by the actual sale, where sales are to be made by the trustees as
aforesaid; and for want of sales by depositions, showing such value,
to be taken before some justice of the peace for Baltimore county,
residing in the city of Baltimore, by either party, upon giving three
days' notice. And it is further agreed, that the said bills be dis-
missed as to all the property in the proceedings mentioned, not
specified and included in this agreement, and that the complainant
pay the costs. It is agreed, that all sums for which Mrs. Chase may
be indebted to the estate of Samuel Chase, deceased, for furniture,
&c. obtained from the administrator, or at the appraised value, shall
be deducted from her claim; the amount whereof shall be ascertained
by Lather Martin and Jonathan Meredith." This agreement was
signed by H JC. Chase, T. Chase, S. Chase and their solicitors.
Several deeds were exhibited, proved and relied on by the par-
ties, to show the nature of the title of the plaintiff's late husband
to the property, in which she now claimed dower. The deed
dated on the 4th of February, 1806, and on the same day ac-
knowledged and delivered from James Clarke to Samuel Chase, the