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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 555   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 555
APPEAL— Continued.
3. The court has the power to direct a fund in court to be invested pend-
ing an appeal, notwithstanding some of the parties interested in the
fund may refuse their assent to such investment. Ib,
1. By arbitration bonds executed in 1846 between complainant and the
executor of G. C., it was recited, that complainant, in right of his
wife, claimed to be entitled to certain portions of the estates "of the
father, aunt, and other relations and ancestors" of the mother of his
wife, which had come to the hands of said executor, and that the
parties had mutually agreed to refer "all the differences between and
among them, and all said claims as aforesaid" to arbitrators, "in order
to avoid litigation," &c. A settlement had been made in 1836, be-
tween complainant and G. C., in his lifetime, in reference to the
paternal succession of complainant's wife, which was consummated by
deeds and other writings, and had ever since been acquiesced in and re-
garded by all parties as final. HELD—
That as there might have been, or the parties to the arbitration
might have supposed there was, some portion of the paternal suc-
cession which had come to the hands of the executor, besides that
embraced in the settlement of 1836, the arbitrators transcended
their power in disturbing that settlement. Carter vs. Calvert, 199.
2. The award found a certain sum due by G. C. at his death to complain-
ant, and that "payments to a considerable amount had been made by"
the executor "on account thereof" since the death of said G. C., "for
which he is entitled to credit thereon," and then awarded "that a fair
account -be taken between the parties of the balance due, if any,"
without stating by whom the account was to be taken, or within what
time, or upon what principles. HELD—
That the award was void because it did not make a final determi-
nation of all the matters submitted. Ib.
3. The reservation of a future power by the arbitrators in their award, if
it affect the whole of the award, will render it totally void, because
the award itself should close up all matters submitted. Ib.
4. But the reservation of a mere ministerial act, such as an arithmetical
calculation, and not a judicial question, will not have the effect to
vitiate the award. Ib.
1. A debtor residing in San Francisco sent, by letter, to his agent in Bal-
timore, two drafts on New York and one on Baltimore, with request
to collect them, and pay the proceeds to certain creditors specified in
the letter, with the respective sums due each, and also gave those cred-
itors orders on his agent for the sums due them. One of these orders
was payable out of the proceeds of the New York drafts, the others

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 555   View pdf image (33K)
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