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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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Eliza Ramsay, with whom he continued to live until the time of
his death. The bill then charges that said Jacob was a thriving,
money-making and saving man, who rapidly accumulated means
which he invested from time to time with a view to securing for
himself the advantage of it during his life, and disposing of it
for the benefit of the said Eliza Ramsay after his death, and to
deprive the complainant and her children by him, of all benefit
of it in his life, and after his death. That so contriving and
intending, on the 5th of February, 1847, he purchased a house
and lot situated on Lombard street, near Canal street, in the
city of Baltimore, and had the same conveyed to said Ramsay
by a deed, from Daniel J. Hoppoldt and Samuel Kramer, the
owners and vendors thereof, dated the 5th February, 1847.
The complainant expressly charges that the purchase money
was furnished by said Jacob and that the deed was made to said
Ramsay for the fraudulent purpose of enabling said Jacob to
enjoy the property during his life, and to leave it after his
death, to said Ramsay, disencumbered of the interest of com-
plainant therein as his widow, and for the further fraudulent
purpose of rendering the same free from the claims of his cred-
itors, and of the complainant for a support. Wherefore, the
bill charges, that said contrivance was fraudulent, and that in
equity the complainant as permanent trustee of said Jacob is en-
titled to have said property brought into the assets of the estate
of the said Jacob to be distributed according to law. The bill
further charges, that the said Ramsay, on the 2d of July, 1849,
offered the property for sale on the premises. That the com-
plainant, by her agent, appeared and gave notice to the purcha-
sers that she, as trustee as aforesaid, claimed this property and
would assert her right thereto in the proper tribunals. That
one William Ehrman agreed to become the purchaser thereof,
on the assurance of the auctioneer that he would not be required
to pay any of the purchase money until his title thereto was clearly
established and free from all incumbrance and claim on the part
of the complainant. The bill then prays that the said property
may be decreed to be a part of the estate of the said Jacob, to
be administered according to law, and for further relief.

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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