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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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ing in the attitude of a complainant, is John Watson, who has
only a curtesy interest in that portion of the estate which
belonged to his late wife, Sarah E. Watson, as his infant
children, though made complainants upon the record, are no
more committed to the statements of the bill, than if they had
been made defendants. And it is therefore substantially a
case in which he stands opposed to the parties owning one
moiety of the property in fee, and in which those who own the
fee in the other moiety are neutral. Under such circumstances,
it seems to me the duty of the Court, to require of the com-
plainant very strong proof in support of his case. He having
but a life estate in a portion of the property, is asking that
the inheritance of the other parties may be sold, that he may
receive the value of his interest in money, and they resist the
application, being unwilling, and denying the necessity of any
such proceeding. In my judgment, the proof in the case falls
short of the requirements of such a case, and a decree for a
sale cannot be passed.
But though a sale will not be ordered, I do not deem it
proper to dismiss the bill, as urged by the defendants' counsel,
because by an amendment it may consistently, with the prac-
tice of the Court, be converted into a bill for a partition.
And I shall therefore pass an order, directing the case to
stand over, with leave to the complainants to apply for per-
mission to amend.
CARMICHAEL and BROWN, for Complainants.
CLINTON COOK, for Defendants.

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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