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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 571
FIXTURES.— Continued.
upon the subject, actual fixtures, of course, pass under it, -and as to im-
provements doubtful in their nature, the inquiry is, whether they have
become part of the realty ? If they have, they must be considered as done
by way of permanent improvement, for the general benefit of the estate,
and not for its temporary enjoyment, and they pass by the mortgage. Ib.
3. A mortgage was executed of the real estate of a manufacturing company,
consisting of land and the buildings thereon,, without any express stipula-
tion as to fixtures. HELD—
That machinery subsequently placed in the buildings, so as to become
fixtures, passed by it, and enured to the benefit of the mort-
gagee. Ib.
4. Machinery in a cotton mill, used for the purpose of manufacturing cotton,
such as looms, cards, spinning-frames, speeders, &c., and fastened to the
building so as to secure their uniform and steady operation, are not fix-
tures. Ib.
5. As between mortgagor and mortgagee, if the annexation be such as to
make it impossible to disunite the personal from the real estate without
injury to both, and especially without injury to the latter, the personal
will be regarded as real estate, though not affixed perpetui usus cav.s&. Ib.
6. As between such parties, the question is, whether the thing so claimed to
be a fixture is so attached as to become parcel of the freehold; and this
is a question of fact depending on'the mode of annexation to the soil or
fabric of the house, and the extent to which it is united to them. Ib.
7. The ancient rigor of the rule in regard to fixtures has been mitigated in
modern times, and the tendency and spirit of recent decisions is to a still
greater relaxation, not only aa between landlord and tenant, but also as
to parties between whom it has hitherto been applied with more strict-
ness. Ib.
8. Where the holders of the liens on machinery and fixtures, and on the
building, are different parties, and rent has been received for the use of
the whole property, by the trustees, before the sale under the decree, in
apportioning such rent, there should be given to the holders of the lien on
the machinery such proportion as according to proof they would be en-
titled to in view of the greater wear and tear of the machinery. Ib.
1. It is well established, that fraud may be inferred from facts and circum-
stances; from the character of the contract, or from the condition and
circumstances of the parties. Davis vs. Banks, 138.
MORTAGE, &c., 2.
TRUSTS, 1,2. .
1. A conveyance, even if for a valuable consideration, is not, under the sta-
tute of 13th Elizabeth, valid in point of law, from that circumstance alone.
It must also be bonafide, for if it be with intent to defraud, or defeat cre-

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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