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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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she should devise the same, the general rule was enforced, and
the legatee denied interest until after the year, the Judge
remarking, " that he could read no more in the articles than
a general direction that the estate should be distributed, ac-
cording to this will, upon the decease of the testatrix, which
could only mean in a reasonable time, and did not supersede
the general rules of legal interpretation." And in the case of
Webster vs. Hall, 8 Ves; 410, where the direction in the will
was that the legacy should " be paid as soon as possible," the
Master of the Rolls (Sir William Grant) decided, " that the
legatee was not to receive interest except from the" end of
twelve months from the death of the testator;" " that the exe-
cutors were not bound to pay upon the very day of the testa-
tor's death, nor was there any precise day upon which they
ought to have paid the legacy."
But though the general rule in regard to the time when a
pecuniary legacy shall commence to carry interest, when no
time of payment is provided for by the terms of the will, is
thus inflexibly established, there are exceptions to the rule as
firmly settled as the rule itself, and one of these exceptions is,
when the legacy is given by a parent to a child, or where the
testator stands to the legatee in loco parentis, and the latter
is otherwise unprovided for, for then, whether a future time is
fixed for the payment or not, interest will be allowed from the
death of the testator, upon his presumed intention to perform
his moral obligation to maintain his child, or the person towards
whom he has placed himself in the relation of parent. But if
other funds are provided for the support of the legatee, then
whatever may be the relation in which the testator stands to
the former, the general rule applies. The exceptions are
stated and proved in the case of Sullivan vs. Winthrop et al.,
before referred to by numerous authorities, and neither can
nor have they been questioned.
In this case it is undeniable that another and ampler fund
was provided for the maintenance of the complainant, Mary,
by the provisions of her father's will, and it is admitted that
the injunctions of this will have been by the defendant, Donnell,
Vol. III.—35

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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