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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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the then ensuing month of October for bearing the matter of
the petition, directing the trustees to retain the money, and
providing that a copy of the petition, and of the order, should
be served on them, and Wilson and Hugh W. Evans, to whom
the judgment in favor of Wilson had been assigned, on or before
the 25th of the same month of September.
- On the 24th of that month, Evans filed his answer to that
petition, in which he denied all knowledge of the mortgage, and
of the debt thereby intended to be secured, and insisted that if
there was any such mortgage, it should have been previously
exhibited in the cause. This answer also denied, or declared
the respondent's entire ignorance of the grounds of equity con-
tained in the petition, and the cause being submitted to the
Chancellor, in pursuance to the order of the 10th of September
preceding, on the petition and answer without proof on either
side, an order was passed on the 10th of October, 1849, re-
scinding the said order of the 10th of September, and dismiss-
ing the petition upon which it was passed.
Afterwards, on the 5th of November, 1849, a second petition
was filed by the same party, in which, among other things, he
alleges, that he had no notice of the answer filed by Evans to
his former petition, or of the contents thereof, and, therefore,
did not know what evidence it would be necessary for him to
produce in support of his said petition, and praying that he may
be permitted to produce evidence of the allegations of his said
former petition, and in support of his claim. The petition also
states the death of the said George G. Belt, who it appears died
on the 8th of May, 1848, and his administrator was made a party.
Upon this petition, which was not verified by the affidavit of
the party, an order was passed on the 6th of November, 1848,
fixing the 6th of the following December for the hearing there-
of. And an answer having been filed thereto by Evans, the
case now is presented for consideration, upon all the proceedings
in the cause, together with certain affidavits which it ia agreed
by the parties shall be read as if taken under the order of the
court. A written argument has been submitted by the counsel
for Mr. Evans, and the petitioner's counsel has been heard.

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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