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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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That it was the duty of the petitioner to have been present on the day fixed
for the hearing of his first petition to take care of his rights, and having
omitted this duty, he has no right now to call upon the court a second time
to relieve him; and that it would be establishing a most loose and inconve-
nient system of practice to grant his present application, and again open the
order confirming the Auditor's report.
The court cannot revoke the order passed on the 26th of July, upon a peti-
tion not filed until the 5th of November, because the July term had then ex-
pired, and the decree of the 26th of that month must be regarded as enrolled
and no longer liable to be heard upon petition.
If a decree be enrolled so that the cause cannot be reheard upon petition, there
is no remedy but by a bill of review, which must be upon error appearing
upon the face of the decree, or upon some new matter discovered since.
The right of a junior mortgagee to come in upon the surplus proceeds of sale
when the mortgaged property has been sold under a decree of this court, to
satisfy an elder mortgage, after payment of such elder mortgage is well settled.
On the 31st of January, 1851, after the second petition of K. was dismissed,
the complainant in the cause, by whom the property was purchased in 1847,
filed a petition, asking that the order of the 26th of July, 1849, confirming the
Auditor's report, might be revoked, and the money appropriated to pay K's
mortgage, upon the ground, that he, as purchaser, was entitled' to hare the
title disincumbered, and insisting that in his character of purchaser he can-
not be regarded as a party to the proceedings) and, therefore, the orders and
decrees of the court therein are not binding upon him. HELD—
That this application is not warranted by the decision of the Court: of Appeals
in the case of Glenn vs. Clapp, Gill Johns., 1, and that the petitioner
being the complainant, and having had a large proportion of the purchase
, money applied to the payment of his own claim, he was affected with notice
of the appropriation of a portion to the payment of W's judgment, and,
therefore, cannot escape the consequences of his remissness in suffering up-
wards of three yearn to elapse before bringing forward his objection.
The rights of all incumbrancers, or persona having liens existing: at the com-
mencement of a suit for a foreclosure and sale, whether subsequent.prior
in date to the plaintiff's mortgage, who are not made parties to the suit can-
not be impaired by the decree.
[The facts of the case are fully stated in the opinions, title
first of which was delivered on the 14th of February, 1850, as
On the 4th of December, 1847, the Auditor made his report
in this case, distributing the proceeds of sale after the payment
of the trustee's commissions and expenses. First,;To the satis-
faction of the mortgage debt due the complainant. Secondly,

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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