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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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Crane, Robert, and John A. Crane, Eira. of George Crane ats. Dixon
Gough, Admr. of Mary Crane, ------- 119
Dashiel, Benjamin D. et al. ats. Richard H. Jackson, - - - - 267
Davis, Jacob G. et al. ats. Augusta Hitch, ------ 262
Davis, Jacob G. et al. ats. Sarah Hitch, .----- 266
Dawes et al. ats. Earie and McNier, ------- 230
Donnell, John S., and Benjamin C. Howard ats. John C. White and
Wife, ------------ 526
Dorsey, Rebecca ats. Neptune Insurance Company, - - - - 334
Ducker, Jeremiah vs. George G. Belt, -------13
Dunn, Edward et al. vs. Erwin J. Cooper et al., - - - - 46
Dunnock, Dorothy E. vs. Samuel Dunnock and Levin Dunnock, - - 140
Dunnock, Samuel, and Levin Dunnock ats. Dorothy E. Dunnock, - 140
Earie and McNier vs. Dawes et al., - - - - - - - 280
Eichelberger, William O. vs. Nathan Harrison, - - - - - 89
falconer, John H., Trustee of John W. dark vs. John W. dark and
David Griffith, ---------- 151
Farmers and Planters' Bank vs. James Martin and William Travers, - 224
Fisher, John et al. ats. William P. Whyte, Trustee of Suter, - - 608
Gaither, Beale vs. Susan Gaither et al., - - - - - - 168
Gaither, Susan et al. ats. Beale Gaither, ---,-- 158
Gambril, Joseph J. et al. vs. Richard Gambril et al., - - - - 269
Gambril, Richard et al. ats. Joseph J. Gambril et al., - - - - 259
Glenn, John, Trustee of Ann Watson vs. Hugh McNeal and Joseph D.
Worley, - - - - - - - - - - - - 849
Glenn, John et al. vs. Margaret Wootten et al., ----- 614
Glenn, John, Trustee of Charles Grover vs. Charles Grover and
Matthew McColm, --------.-29
Gough, Dixon, Admr. of Mary Crane vs. Robert Crane and John A.
Crane, Exrs. of George Crane, ----.-- 119
Grover, Charles, and Matthew MoColm ats. John Glenn, Trustee of
Charles Grover, ----------29
Harrison, Nathan ats. William O. Eichelberger, - - - - 39
Heighe, B. M., Admr. of Nathan Levering et al. ats. Madison Levering
etal., ------------ 865
Herbert, Thomas T. et al. ats. John H. B. Latrobe, - - - - 875
Herr, John and Wife vs. Lemuel Bierbower, - --. - 456
Hitch, Sarah vs. Jacob G. Davis et al., - - - - -- - 266
Hitch, Augusta vs. Jacob G. Davis et al., - - - -- - 262
Hollins, Robert S., Adm'r of John Hollins vs. Charles F. Mayor et al., 343
Hook, Henry et al. ats. Robert B. Brinton, et al., - _- - - 477
Howard, Margaretta etal. ats. Edward Reynolds etal., - - - 831
Hurt, Thomas. D. etaL W.John Stull, - . - - - - 24
Hutching, Joshua et al. vs. Mary W. Hutchins et al., - ... 866
Hutchins, Mary W. et al. ats. Joshua Hutching et al., - - - - 856

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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