Abbot, Horace et al. vs. The Baltimore and Rappahannock Steam
Packet Company, 54?
Albert, Wm. J. and Emily his wife vs. The Savings Bank of Baltimore
etal., 407
Atkinson, Joshua J., perma—ot trustee of Wm. C. Spindler, vs. James
Philip, Sen. et al., 507
Baltzel, Philip, surviving yantner of Thomas Baltzel, us. Ann Trump,
exr'x. of Wm. B. Trump, 517
Bank of Westminster vs. 'Wm. Pinta»y Whyte, permanent trustee of
George Suter, 536
Barry, Geo. W. et al. TO. Wm. J. Barry et al., 20
Beard, Harriet A. vs. John H. Lmthicum et al., 345
Bowie, Catharine vs. John T. Berry, 452
Boyd and Hance vs. Alexander Harris et al. 466
Brooks, Chauncy et al. TO. Henry H. Dent, adm'r. d. b. n. of Benry
Brawner et al., 528
Brooks, Cteiuncy et»l. w. Jao. H. Delaplaine et a^., 351
Brown, Henry H. TO. Bobt. Stewart et al., ' 87
Buckingham, Larkin, the Attorney General »t 4h? ?ela^ion of, w. J»-
nette Dorsey, 31
Oarroll, Elizabeth vs. Jno. .IBtanter, 36
Cecil, Owen w. Mary Ann Doraey et al., 223
Chesapeake Balft vs. MoLtlUaDfand Raborg, 338
Chllds, Jno. D. and Wife vs. Lucy M. Smith, 483
Oonn, Robt. et al. TO. Jaa. Conn et al.i 212
dark, Benj. S.«t<8l.-iM. Charies G. Ridgely et al., '7R
Clark, Pearson et al. TO. Levering et al., 178
dark and Mankia vs. Elizabeth Abbottand Wm. H. V. Cornise, 474
drain, Peter W. et al. vs. Barnes and Fergusson, 151
Crouch, Thos. M. et al. vs. Harriet Smith et al., 401