That upon the death of the widow, this onB-seventh will descend to the heirs
at law of the daughter, without being liable to the curtesy of her husband,
she not having been seized in fact, and in deed, of this estate, during the
[The testator, Henry Keeri, by his will, which was proved
in July, 1827, devised and bequeathed to his friend, Charles
Bohn, (who renounced the trust,) and his son, George H.
Keeri, portions of his real and personal estate, to be held by
them in trust for his daughter, Amelia H. Keeri, during her
life, free from the control of any future husband, and after her
death, in trust for any child or children she might. have; with
the further direction and declaration, "that the trustees or the
survivor of them, should, after the death of his said daughter,
convey and assign unto her children, if she should have or
leave any at the time of her death, in equal proportions, abso-
lutely, all the money and estate in his will devised and be-
queathed unto the said trustees for the use and benefit of his
daughter and her children; provided, always, that no such
conveyance or assignment should be made until the child or
children, to whom the same was to be made, shall have sever-
ally attained the age of twenty-one years."
The will further directed, that in case the said daughter
should die without leaving issue or descendants of such issue,
one moiety of the estate given to her for life should pass to her
husband, if any such should survive her, and the remaining
moiety to the other children of the testator and their repre-
The will also contains the following provision with regard to
the estate given to the wife of the testator, who survived him,
and is still living: "After the death of my said wife, I give,
devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my
estate, real, personal and mixed, unto my said children (naming
his six sons) and to the said Charles Bohn and George H.
Keeri, as trustees, for my said daughter, Amelia H., as afore^
said, to be divided into equal proportions for my said seven
children, and to their heirs, executors and assigns forever.'*