Negro Monica et al. vs. Mitchel et al., 355
Owings, Jas. vs. Wm. Baldwin et al., 120
Pfeltz, Julius Peter c». Ann Maria Pfeltz et al., 455
Potter, Moses vs. Edward M. Kerr, 275
Pue, Richard R. proehein ami of Matilda R. H. Pue and Henry Pue,
minors, »». Henry H. Pue et al., 382
Sewall, Robt. vs. Sylvester Costigan et al., 208
Shepherd, Joa. vs. Saml. Shepherd et al., 244
Small, Philip A. et al. vs. Charlotte C. D. Owings et al., 363
Snyder, Hannah, et al. vs. Julia Snyder et al., 295
Spangler, Catharine vs. Jno. Stanler et al., 36
Sullivan Jno. et al. TO. Tuck, ex'r ofBowie, 59
Tayman, Levi L. BS. Jno. Mitchel et al., 496
Thomas, Saml. W. vs. Wood, ex'r. of Harrison, 296
Thompson, Laurence et al. vs. Aug. Diffenderfer et al., 489
Tyson, Isaac, Jr. vs. Thorns. B. Watts, 13
Washington University of Baltimore et al. vs. Edward Green, 87
Waters, Charles A. vs. Charles Howard and wife et al., 112
Waters, Freeborn G. vs. Rebecca Waters et al., 196
West and Courtenay, admrs. of West cs. Nathl. Williams, 358
Wheeler, Thomas T 's Estate, 80
White, Elizabeth Ann et al. vs. Jos. White and Jno. C. White, 53
Whyte, Wm. P., permanent trustee of Geo. Suter vs. Jno. Fisher et al.. 536
Williams and Bradford vs. Geo. H. Williams et al., 199
Williams, Amos A. cs. Savage Manufacturing Co., 306
Williams, Edward, estate of, 25
Wilson, Jno. F. vs. Matthew Hardesty, 66