money out of the free school fund of said county towards
building school houses and for other purposes...............
No. 70. An act to provide for the payment of the counsel
employed to represent the State in the arbitration be-
tween Maryland and Virginia, upon the boundary be-
tween the said States, and to appropriate a sum of money
therefor and for the other expenses of the said arbitra-
tion .....................................................................
No. 71. An act to incorporate the Maryland State Grange
of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry........................
No. 72. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Washington county to fund certain indebtedness of the
Board of County School Commissioners of Washington
county, by issuing bonds therefor, and to levy a tax for
the payment of the same..........................................
No. 73. An act to authorize, empower and direct the
County Commissioners of Howard county to adjust and
pay Thomas J. White for damages occasioned by open-
ing a public road through his lands...........................
No. 74. An act to repeal section one of an act passed at
January session eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chap-
ter two hundred and six, entitled "an act to authorize
the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county to
levy a sum of money or issue bonds for repairing and
altering the Court House in said county," and to re-en-
act the same as amended.........................................
No. 75. An act to lay out and establish a new election dis-
trict in Queen Anne's county, out of portions of the
first, second and third election districts of said county.
to be called Ruthsburg district or election district num-
ber six ................................................................
No. 76. An act to extend and add a supplement to an
" act to incorporate the Merchants and Miners' Trans-
portation Company," passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-two, chapter one hundred and fifty-
three, and to extend and add to supplement to an act,
entitled "a supplement to an act to incorporate the Mer-
chants and Miners' Transportation Company," passed